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He was breaking. Little by little, day by day. He never wanted to lie to you, but he did. He never wanted to keep secrets from you, but he did. He never wanted to leave you, but he did.

He was scared Jimin will harm you. He was scared his previous owners will harm you. He was scared he will harm you.

He just wanted to protect you. He never wanted you to suffer because of him. He wanted happiness for you.

Aimlessly roaming in the forests, the dry leaves rustling under in shoes. His face pale, tears streaming down his soft cheeks. His sparkly doe eyes now looking lifeless. He looked deceased.

He turned around feeling a tap on his shoulder. His face turning more pale, with widened eyes.

"Hello there bunny!"


"find him...please" you whimpered looking at the man infront of you. Your eyes glossy ready to spill tears but you held them in, gulping the lump forming in your throat.

Namjoon sighed, his heart shattering into pieces at the sight of his baby sister looking so vulnerable. Wrapping his arms around her figure he started rubbing her shoulders. You finally bursted into tears, "i-i w-want him b-b-back" you whispered looking up at your one and only cousin.

He was a detective, so it was the first thought that striked your mind before contacting him.

Namjoon didn't met him, but he wanted to. He wanted to know and meet the person who can make her sister cry like that, just because of his absence. Who is so important to her.

"I'll find him, I promise" softly whispering in your ears, he stood up carefully laying you on the couch. "I want to go too" you stated blankly looking ahead.
"It's dangerous y/n" you glared at him, making him sigh loudly.


Following behind Namjoon you both eventually came into the dark forests. "He can't be here" you protested again. He sighed before replying "Shut up and follow me y/n" you huffed angrily before stomping your feet on the grassy ground.

Suddenly a hard slap echoed through the silent forest with a faint shout of "shut it you bunny"
Your eyes widened at the familiar voice. Namjoon nods as you both started running towards the sound.

"L-l-leave m-me p-please" Jungkook whimpered, protecting himself with his arms. He coughed out blood at the sudden violent kick on his stomach again.

A few hard punches landing on his cheek and jaw, as he lay nearly unconscious on the ground. "Y/n" he mumbled as he saw your horrified expression before closing his eyes.

"JUNGKOOK !" you screamed, turning to the two male standing with smirks plastered on their faces.

Your face lost its color as you mumbled their names.




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My Insecure Bunny 《J.JK》Where stories live. Discover now