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"Hello?" you spoke as soon as you picked up your phone. Your eyes widened at the words leaving the person's mouth on the call. "I-i'm coming"

You were at work as usual, but today you couldn't take Jungkook with you. He insisted on staying home and play. And you agreed which was yet another mistake.

Pulling over in front of the hospital, you dashed towards the reception. "J-Jung-gkoo-k" you stuttered looking at the receptionist. "Ma'am please calm down. May you please repeat the patient's name again?" The lady calmly spoke smiling warmly at you. "J-jungkook. His name is Jungkook" you spoke between your heavy breathing trying your best to calm down. "Your relation with the patient?" "I'm his f-friend"

"He's currently in the operation theater ma'am. Floor 5" Bowing to the lady you rushed to the respective floor.


It has been a few hours of you waiting in front of the OT. You were a mess, your eyes red and puffy, hair all over the place, breathing still uneven.

Your head shot up at the sound of the door opening. You ran to the doctor with the remaining strength you had. "He's not dead,is he?" You whimpered. Smiling sadly at you he shakes his head.

"He was hit by a car when he was crossing the road. He hit his head on the concrete pathway leaving a major injury, with some bruises and scratches on his arms and legs" pausing in between he glances at the papers in his hand. He sighed loudly. " And because of his head injury he may have temporary memory loss"

"He's being shifted to another room, you can meet him after some minutes"

The world shattered around you hearing the doctor's words. You dropped down on your knees not caring about the people giving you judging stares. You cried all over again feeling your heart clench inside your chest.

Covering your face with your hoodie paws you cried your heart out until a voice called out. "Ma'am your patient is in room no. 97, you can see him now" you rushed down the hallways eager to reach his room and meet him.

Taking a deep breath, you stood in front of his door. Rubbing your clammy palms on the side of your jeans. With shaky hands you clasped the handle turning it open.

You saw him sitting cross legged, slouched on the bed his head turning towards your direction when he heard the door click open. His head wrapped in white bandages. His face full of fresh scratches and cuts. Some near his eyes, a small cut on his left cheek.

Slowly walking towards him you spoke with a shaky voice "H-hey bun" reaching out to hold his hand, you stopped as you heard his next words.

"Who are you?"


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My Insecure Bunny 《J.JK》Where stories live. Discover now