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Opening your sleepy eyes you saw Jungkook standing by the door of your bedroom, rubbing his eyes with his fisted hands, his hair sticking out cutely and a fluffy white pillow clasped in his strong hands. Aww

"Bun why are you up till now?" You asked concerned, slowly sitting up.

"T-there was a-a t-t-thunder a-and I-i was s-s-scared. C-can I-i s-sleep here?" His voice broken and eyes puffy as if he had been crying for a while.

"Aww bun, of course you can. Come here" You were sleeping so soundly that you didn't even realize it was raining heavily.
'Oh god, I sleep like a dead pig'

You scooted over and made space for the terrified bunny to lay down. He faced you with his hand beneath his head gripping tightly on the pillow.

Seeing his still frightened form you took him in your embrace, his arms wrapping around your neck hesitantly, slowly resting his face near your neck. You caressed his raven locks and rubbed behind his long soft ears.

A loud thunder striked again making Jungkook flinch and let out a low whimper. "It's okay bun, I'm here" You reassured him rubbing his back gently.

Peeking down after some time you saw him sleeping with puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. Wiping his face clean, you pushed his bangs back before pressing a kiss on his forehead finally falling asleep.


You softly groaned eyes fluttering open, stretching your arms out and arching your back you noticed the empty bed beside you. "Huh? Where is he?" you mumbled to yourself.

You got up from the bed heading towards the bathroom to freshen up.

Walking down the stairs slowly you saw Jungkook in the kitchen eating an apple while dancing around the kitchen. You giggled silently watching him enjoy himself.

Finally noticing you in between his tiny dance he abruptly stopped and blushed looking down. "I-i u-um was h-hungry. I-i am s-sorry"

You chuckled while shaking your head "Tell me what do you want to eat, I'll make it" He hesitated at first but spoke up "Um c-can you m-make t-those bumpy pancakes. I s-saw you eat them the o-other day" wait bumpy pancakes? Oh !

You laughed at his cuteness and said "Kookie those are called waffles. God! You're adorable" You ruffled his hair walking towards the kitchen. "Sit at the table, I'll be back" you yelled from the kitchen.

"OMG! They're amazing. Y/N thank you so much" Jungkook spoke with his mouth full of the chocolate waffles you made. You chuckled while watching him eat.

"Hey Kook do you wanna go grocery shopping with me?"


"Y/N can I take those too?" Jungkook yet again looked at you with those puppy eyes sparkling making it harder for you to resist. "Pwetty pwease" he spoke pouting cutely.

You sighed loudly snatching the banana milk from his hands throwing it in the cart.

Throwing him a glare you pushed the cart mostly filled with snacks to the counter. Paying for the overly budget items you took the bags heading to your car.

Loading the bags in your car boot, you sighed loudly walking towards the driver's seat.

"Wear your seatbelt" you coldly remarked not even glancing at him. He quietly obeyed, fidgeting with his fingers on his lap.

"A-are you m-mad?" He spoke in a tiny voice enough for you to hear.
Taking a quick glance at him you saw him looking down with a sad pout lingering on his rosy lips.

"I'm sowwy, it's j-just that i-i saw t-them fo-"

"Its okay" you spoke in between his rambling making him look at you with big eyes.

Arriving at your apartment, you parked your car taking the keys out of the ignition. "Let's go" hopping out of the car Jungkook ran leaving you alone.

Your hands resting on your hips you a huff angrily looking at the way Jungkook ran "This little brat, not even helping me"

Taking all the heavy bags by yourself you climbed the stairs catching sight of the bunny jumping infront of your apartment's door waiting for you
"Yah, you spoiled brat come here and help me" He sheepishly smiled walking towards you.

Taking few bags from you he scratched his nape murmuring a little sorry.

Opening the door you noticed a piece of paper stuck at the side of the door. " Jungkook go in" the bunny hopped in from the ajar door.

Picking up the piece of paper your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and slight anger.

"Taking in the filthy bunny won't do any good to you Kim
Y/N, You're in so much trouble"


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