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"Finally you woke up" you cheered grinning widely as Jungkook entered the kitchen timidly.

"Sit at the dining table I'll heat up the pancakes again" You told him smiling warmly. He softly nodded his head making his way to the dining table.

Placing a plate full of pancakes with some syrup in front of him you patted his back lightly and said "Here you go Kookie, eat all you want"

Watching him eat was a different sight to witness his cuteness. The way he stuffed his mouth with the pancakes making his cheeks look more squishy than they already were. Awww


Finishing your breakfast you both were now on the couch facing each other sitting cross legged.

"So um how'd you get here.....as in your bunny form I guess"

"I-i u-uh"

"Hey you don't have to be scared from me alright? I won't harm you okay?" You tried comforting the nervous bunny holding his hand and rubbing circles on his knuckles.

"Hm I-i r-ran from m-my h-house where I l-l-lived b-before. T-they made me d-do all the h-house chores a-and i-if I didn't do i-it right t-they would b-beat m-me with l-leather b-b-belts and l-lock me up in d-d-dark rooms w-without giving m-me any f-food f-for d-d-days" His eyes watered again as he hiccupped in between words.

Aww. My poor bunny. How can they do this to such an innocent soul like him.

Wrapping your dainty arms around his muscular body you took him in your embrace rubbing his back to help him calm down as his head rests on your shoulder, his shaky breaths hitting your neck with tears soaking your t-shirt.

"Then how did you get to my house?"

He sniffs softly before speaking "I-i saw the window o-of y-your bathroom o-open s-so I c-climbed i-in. I'm s-s-sorry"

"Nooo don't apologize, I'm actually glad you did" You told him smiling to yourself.

He looked at you with wide eyes "Y-you did?" You slightly laughed nodding your head.

"You made me so happy, even the smallest things you did made me smile" You told him, noticing his cheeks which are now dusted pink.

You chuckled while pinching his squishy cheeks "Aigoo Jungkookie you're soo cute"

'Don't worry Jungkookie, As long as you're with me I'll keep you safe. No one can harm you in my watch'

"Okay so let's go get you some clothes hm?" You clapped your hands while grinning.

You gave Jungkook a black bucket hat to hid his ears and a pair of sweatpants to change into. Getting your house and car keys you both were ready to go.


"How about this one?" You held out another crewneck in front of Jungkook asking for his opinion.

He sighed looking down and nodded again.

You and Jungkook were at the mall shopping for his clothes and other nessecities and it looked like you were more excited than the bunny himself.

Every other item would catch your eye and you would immediately shove it in Jungkook's face to see his reaction.

You finally took all the clothes both of you bought to the billing counter paying for the things.

You swiped your card and grabbed your bags exiting the store.

"Kook let's go eat something, You must be hung-" a low grumble stopped you from completing your sentence."I guess it's a yes then" You chuckled watching Jungkook blush and walked ahead.


"Ahhh" you plopped on the couch after setting the bags down. Jungkook sat down besides you afterwards.

"Kook you can sleep in the guest room, you can set your stuff in the closet, and if you need help call me okay?"

Jungkook hummed in response, slowly walking towards his room.

You also entered your bedroom letting out a loud yawn. After completing your night routine you finally laid down on your bed falling in deep slumber.



You opened your eyes groggily hearing a little voice call out to you.



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My Insecure Bunny 《J.JK》Where stories live. Discover now