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"Y/NNNNNNN" Jungkook screamed on top of his lungs  making you fall of your bed. You ran to the living room thinking something bad happened to your precious bunny.

Smiling widely showing his bunny teeth, there he was on the couch looking at you like nothing happened "Let's go the theaters"

Throwing your head back you groaned before responding "Are you kidding me. I thought you were in trouble you little brat"

Suppressing a grin by looking at your frustrated form he spoke again "No, I'm fine. Let's go see the new Iron Man movie" "Heck no" you said turning around to go back to your room.

He ran to block your way from going farther. "Please y/n" he said holding your right hand with both of his large ones. "No Kook, I don't like that shit"

He pouted cutely, giving you his best puppy eyes sparkling with anticipation "Pwease carrot....pretty pwea-" Cutting him in between you spoke "Fine, don't give me those eyes"

"Yayyy, thank you carrot" Giving you a tight bear hug he ran to his room for getting dressed.

You chuckled at his childish behavior, dragging your feet to yours.


There you are sitting with an overly excited bunny, waiting for the movie to start.

He was sporting a off-white sweatshirt that you recently got him with a pair of black fitted jeans. His hair slightly parted showing a bit of his forehead. And lastly, two silver hoops adoring both of his earlobes.

While, you were wearing a black turtleneck tucked in a black and red checkered skirt hugging your slim waist perfectly.

You never were a fan of watching movies. Moreover watching Iron Man was never on your list. You never know what life has in store for you right?

But all of that faded when you saw Jungkook. His big doe eyes shining with excitement. A big bunny smile stretched across his face, not fading anytime soon. Seeing him so ecstatic for just a simple movie made you smile wide. You reached out to pat his head which was covered with a bucket hat.

He glanced at you with the same broad smile and gleaming eyes before turning his head back at the big screen.

He really was your happy pill. He was the missing piece of your puzzle. He can make you smile like no one can. His smallest actions held so much emotion. Only you knew how much he meant to you. He was the only reason for you to live now, after your parents died.

You never really opened your heart to someone after their death. Your parents went to Busan for some work purposes but they never came back. You waited, Waited for so long but they never returned.

You remember that day clearly. You cried a river, in the arms of your best friend. She was the only one there for you during the traumatizing events in your life. She supported you unlike the others who stopped talking to you calling you an 'orphan'.

But, you got your happiness back as Jungkook. You poured your heart out to him. You trusted him with your life like he did.

"Y/NNN" your thoughts came to an end as Jungkook whisper yelled at you. "Huh?" Raising a eyebrow at him with a confusing gaze you asked. "The movie's starting" "Oh..okay" casting your eyes at the big white screen you tilted your head back adjusting your position to get comfortable.

'Oh boy, it's gonna be a long day'


After the movie ended, you both went to do some shopping. With tons of bags in both of your clasps you went home after eating dinner at Jungkook's favorite place.

But, little did you know what chaos were going to happen.

'Just you wait Kim Y/n'


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My Insecure Bunny 《J.JK》Where stories live. Discover now