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You rushed out of the vehicle, forgetting about the poor bunny trailing behind you. You saw a man infront of your apartment door making you squeal loudly gaining his attention.

He turned around smiling before pulling you in for a warm hug. "Hey buttercup" the man chuckled noticing your excited form. "Hi shorty" you teased back, sticking your tongue out at him.

"Oh, stop with that name already" he exclaimed throwing his head back, groaning. You giggled before looking back at the angry bunny eyeing you both with dark eyes.

"Oh, um Jungkook come here" you called, stretching your hand out for him to hold. He ignored your hand, coming and standing besides you.

"He's Jungkook, my-um ...friend" you spoke looking at the latter. "And Jungkook he's Jimin, my high school friend" you said looking back at Jungkook.

Jimin. The school heartthrob like they said, he was your high school buddy. Other than Areum, he supported you a lot too. You three had sleepovers, dinner nights, picnic outings and god knows what not. You name it, you have done it with them. Jimin went to Japan to take over his father's company. He often came  back in his breaks to meet you both. And this time, it happened to be your birthday.

The only thing you didn't know about him was that, he was falling in love. Falling in love with you with all his heart.

And he would do anything to get you to be his, this time.

"Let's head inside, we have lot to catch up on" you said breaking their eye contact.


"So, you're telling me he's not a human, but a bunny. A FREAKING BUNNY IN HUMAN FORM ?!?"

"He's a hybrid Jimin, stop shouting" you replied glancing back at Jungkook who was curled up in the corner of the couch listening to your conversation silently.

"You okay bun?" He slightly nodded his head, focusing his vision back on your iPad placed on his lap.

"So, what do you want to drink?" You asked standing up heading to the kitchen. "Lemon tea will do" Jimin told smiling slightly.

"Hey Jungkook" a devilish smirk crept up on his face just as you stepped in the kitchen. "H-hello"

"Aww you poor thing, you stammer too huh?" He mocked. "Well, listen here you pathetic, stuttering bunny. Y/n is mine, I've known her since high school. For your information I am more important to her than a filthy bunny in a human form. And I dare you to open that pretty mouth of yours infront of her,Understand?"

Jungkook was terrified, seeing the change of attitude of this man infront of him. He was a devil in disguise.

"The tea is here" you chimed looking at the boys. "Oh, thanks y/n" You sat beside Jungkook, smiling slightly at him as he avoided your gaze.

You shrugged at his unusual behavior continuing your talk with Jimin. It was soon late as the young lad decided to go home. Bidding you a goodbye he took his leave leaving you with Jungkook.


"I'll head to bed now. Good Night" he spoke rushing to his room soon after.



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