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Turning the handle you pushed the door open as Jungkook ran inside with stretched arms. You laughed at his actions following him after.

"Yayy we're homee~" he sang running around the house. "Jungkook slow down, you will hur-" as if just waiting for your warning he tripped on the plushies scattered on the floor falling with a loud thud.

You sighed loudly before walking towards the bunny sitting with his hands placed on his right knee, cutely glaring at the plushy he tripped.

You crouched down to be at eye level with him before speaking "What did I say hm? You never listen to me,do you?" He stared at the ground instead of you, finding it more interesting than the conversation.

"I-it h-hurts" he whimpered looking at you with glossy eyes. "Come on, let's get this cleaned up and tuck you to bed" you helped him stand up taking him to the bathroom.

After cleaning his 'plushy wound' like he said you tucked him to bed as you watched some Netflix before falling asleep.


5 days later

The sheets on your bed shuffled as you tried to find a comfortable spot to fall asleep again. Today was the day you finally escaped your mother's womb. Yes, it's your birthday.

Suddenly, your bedroom door flinched open revealing Jungkook with a cake in one hand and other holding different ballons.

He sang loudly rushing to your side giving you a tight hug after placing the cake infront of you.

"Thank you Jungkook" you widely smiled at him ruffling his hair as he scrunched his nose making you giggle.

"Um- Y/n c-can we go out today?" He asked hesitantly. "Of course we can" you grinned standing up heading to the bathroom.

"Wait Y/n, I got y-you something" halting in your steps your head snapped back at his words. "Whyy I told you not to" you whined frowning at him.

He sheepishly smiled at you heading towards his room before shouting a 'please wear it today'

You came back finding your outfit neatly placed on your bed with a pink sticky note on it. Taking the note in your hand you quietly read it.

Dear Carrot🥕,

Happy Birthday. I hope you like the dress I picked out, don't ask me how I knew your size cause I may or may not have raided your closet ...hehe I'm sorry.

From, your Bunny🐰

You giggled at his cute note, placing it inside your notebook by the bedside table.

You finally noticed the dress gasping loudly. 'Woah! This bunny got some taste' you thought to yourself eyeing the off-shoulder brown-ish top with a cute black skirt.

Exiting your room, you saw Jungkook sitting on the couch, waiting for you, dressed in a black leather jacket over a white t-shirt and black ripped jeans, paired with brown timberlands

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Exiting your room, you saw Jungkook sitting on the couch, waiting for you, dressed in a black leather jacket over a white t-shirt and black ripped jeans, paired with brown timberlands.

"Woah Kookie, you look good!" You laughed as he blushed hard.
"Stop it and let's go~" he whined pulling you towards the door.

"Okay okay"

"Let's go to the amusement park" the excited bunny exclaimed as soon as you both sat in the car. Nodding to his wish you started the car heading to your  destination.


"Noo" Jungkook whined as he lost the game again. You laughed at him, encouraging him with words after. He playfully glared at you but both your bickering stopped with the your phone ringing.

You picked up the call with a sigh "Hello?" "Hey Y/n" the sweet voice spoke "OMG" your eyes widened with excitement "I'm at your house, come soon. I'll be waiting" the person chuckled before speaking. "Really? I'm coming now" you hurriedly grabbed Jungkook's hand before rushing to your car.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was beyond annoyed by the person who ruined his time with you. "Looks like we have a guest tonight" you excitedly spoke as Jungkook growled in annoyance.


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My Insecure Bunny 《J.JK》Where stories live. Discover now