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Your eyes started brimming with tears hearing his question. "W-what do you mean, w-who i-i am?" You asked with ragged breathing not believing the doctor's words coming true in front of your eyes. "Ma'am I don't know you, please head out" he softly spoke.

Shaking your head in denial your breath hitched as you spoke again "N-no, Kook p-please" you sobbed tears slipping out of your eyes, blurring your vision.

He bit his lip looking down as you continued "P-p-please J-jungko-ok I-i" you tried speaking between your aggressive sobbing.

Seeing your state he no longer could continue his act. He engulfed you in a warm embrace, wrapping his strong muscular arms around your petite figure, head resting on his firm chest.

You looked up at him with a confused gaze. "Huh?"

"How can I forget my carrot, hm?" He smiled looking down at you. Pushing him away, you glared at him "You brat, I seriously thought you forgot me" you spoke before starting to cry again "I-i t-thought I l-lost you"

"I'm sorry, but you have to deal with me forever~" he said in a girlish tone making you giggle between your cries. You hugged him again placing your head besides his.

"What were you doing out of the house, you brat" you asked after pulling away from him.

He avoided your eyes looking down "I-i um w-wa- no" "Jungkook, what were you doing in the middle of the road?" You sternly asked looking at him with narrowed eyes.

Hesitating for a bit he finally spoke "It's your b-birthday i-in a few days. I wanted to buy you something so I headed out for a while. I was crossing the road to reach the other side, I saw a cute gift shop there. I was just a few steps away but a car hit me. I'm-I'm sorry for making you worry so much"

His head was hung low the whole time as he didn't had the courage to meet your gaze.

Slowly looking back up he tilted his head in confusion seeing you smile warmly at him "You didn't have to" He vigorously shakes his head "No, I wanted to. Y-you took care of me f-for so long. I-i did nothing but being a burden to you"

"No Kook, don't ever think that,  you're not a burden and never will be. And your presence is enough on my birthday to feel happy bun" His cheeks started heating up at your words making you laugh.


"He'll be discharged in 2-3 days, seeing him recover faster than expected" the doctor smiled at you.

You thanked him before he walked out of the door, closing it after.

It's been a week of Jungkook being admitted in the hospital. He was recovering faster which was a relief. You looked back at the male still sleeping soundly.

"Jungkook-ah let's get up hm?" You softly whispered, pushing his bangs back patting his head after.

"Hmm" he groaned while trying to open his eyes, shutting them tightly right after at the sudden brightness. You chuckled at his cute actions.

"You'll be discharged in a few days" you spoke caressing his cheek lovingly. "Really?" He rasped out in his husky morning voice to which you nodded gleefully.

Helping him sit up, his back resting against the headboard, you fed him the breakfast you bought from the hospital's canteen. Placing all the empty containers aside you both talked about how he would celebrate your birthday and would make you a cake by watching YouTube videos making you giggle.

Both of you were so immersed in your silly conversation to notice someone by the door eyeing you both with not so pure intentions.

'Next time I'll make sure you won't survive'


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