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Jungkook was currently sitting on the couch playing Overwatch alone as you were off to work.

He also wanted to go with you so, he eveb tried his aegyo on you, so you would allow him to tag along but you knew all his tricks by now. So sadly he had to stay alone at home today.

It was all going well until the front door of the apartment starting banging loudly. Just as the banging died down a loud voice spoke startling Jungkook "OPEN THE FREAKING DOOR KIM Y/N "

He was terrified. Standing up from the couch with shaky legs he ran to his room. He laid under the duvet curling himself in a ball, his lips trembled in fear as tears streamed down his soft cheeks. His breath hitched with every sob escaping his trembling lips.


"Ahh" you said as you collapsed on the couch after the long day at work. Looking towards the direction of Jungkook's room you saw his door ajar making you curious, he usually shuts his door when he is inside.

'He didn't even greet me today' you mumbled to yourself dragging your feet to the kitchen.

Shrugging the thoughts you grabbed a bottle of banana milk gulping it down in one go.

Your unending curiosity led you to Jungkook's room. Peeking in you saw a big lump of blankets on his bed. 'Maybe he's asleep'

Turning around to take your leave you halted in your steps as you heard soft sniffling from his room.

"Kook are you okay?" You asked slowly walking towards his bed.

Hearing your voice he popped his head out of the duvet to see you standing by his bed, looking down at him in concern.

Your heart shattered at the sight. His cute doe eyes were now puffy and red, his cheeks had dried tears. His lips that held the bunny smile you adored were now quivering with fear. His cheeks and nose flushed red. "C-carrot?" he croaked out, his voice husky and broken.

"Yes bun, I'm here" you gently whispered sitting at the edge of his bed. "C-c-carrot" he hiccupped as his eyes watered again. Throwing himself in your embrace he clutched the fabric of your black hoodie with his hands bawling his eyes out again.

"Shh.....calm down bun" you rubbed his back in circular motions trying to soothe him, kissing his head as his fluffy hair tickled your cheeks.

"T-t-here w-was.....s-s-someone b-by-" he tried speaking between his sobbing as he hiccupped between his words unable to form words.

"Don't think about it hm...I'm not gonna leave you alone from now okay?"

After another hour of his crying and you comforting him, he started calming down. Tightening his clasp on your waist he mumbled in your neck "I'm tired"

Smiling sadly as you knew he was tired of crying so much. "Come on let's get you to sleep bun" you tried standing up but got pulled down by him as he held you stuffing his face in your neck again "no d-don't...don't leave me"

Patting his head gently you smiled warmly " okay but let's lay down hm?" Nodding his head he released you from his hold getting under the covers waiting for you.

Forgetting about your night routine you laid down by his side as he quickly wrapped his arm around your waist, placing his leg above yours afterwards. Smiling at his cuteness you turned yourself to face him and ruffled his hair lovingly.

"Sleep my bunny, I'm not going anywhere" pressing a soft kiss on his temple you both fell asleep.


You were currently at work with Jungkook. He was sitting by the window at the corner table quietly sipping on the banana milkshake you gave him with a slice of strawberry cheesecake.

He was very silent since the crying incident. You never asked him what really happened as you didn't want him crying like a helpless baby again. You couldn't bear it seeing him like this, it made your heart clench in sadness.

The bell chimes as the door opens, a man dressed in full black clothing enters the shop. His face covered by the black mask he was wearing. "Hello sir, what would you like to have?" You smiled warmly at him like you usually do with all your customers.

Walking towards the counter where you were, his veiny arm tugged his mask, sliding it down his chin, a devilish smirk plastered on his face. You gasped loudly finally recognizing the person. A look of terror evident on your face.

"Well hello to you too Kim Y/N"


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