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Hatred the only emotion swirling in your mind right now. You wanted to kill this man in front of you with your bare hands. He said he will never come in your life again and here he is, standing in front of you smirking like a damn animal.

"What are you doing here Jackson" gritting your teeth you glared at your ex.

"Long time no see, Y/N" smiling devilishly at you he spoke.

"Let's keep it that way" you sarcastically remarked resuming your work not sparing him any more glances.

"Ouch, I'm hurt y/n" he spoke again, acting dramatically.

"You better be, after what yo-" cutting your words a tiny voice spoke making your heart melt "C-carrot are you done now?"

Smiling genuinely at him you said "Just a few more minutes, bun" Hearing you both Jackson snorted "Did he just said Carrot?" Snickering a laugh he spoke again "Oh my god ! What are you eight?"

"Shut up Jackson" you spoke glaring at him. "and never show your filthy face infront of me again" Grabbing Jungkook's wrist in one hand, other holding your belongings you exited the cafe.

You were furious. Seeing him again in front of you after 4 years did nothing good. You both did not have a great relationship. He asked you out in High School prom night. You being naive did not believe the rumours of him being a playboy and said 'yes' to him. This was the biggest mistake you did in your entire life.

One night, he came to your apartment reeking of alcohol. You two had a heated argument, things got overboard and he slapped you. That day you broke up with him and also it was the last day you saw him after today.

"Y-y/n" Jungkook's low voice pulled you out of your thoughts. "Not now Jungkook" you harshly replied not noticing your grip tightening around his wrist as your manicured nails were digging in his soft skin. But you were too frustrated to notice that now, dragging him with you into your apartment you released him as he ran to his room, slamming his door shut.


You were now in your room sitting on the floor, your head resting on the side of your bed thinking about today's events.

You were too caught up in your thoughts that you didn't even check on Jungkook. You sighed standing up deciding to check up on him. 'probably he's asleep by now'

You opened his bedroom door being quiet as possible. There he was, sitting on his bed, hugging his legs pulled to his chest letting out low whimpers making you frown.

"Kook why are you crying?" You softly asked getting near his bed. Just as you were about to touch him he flinched. He looked down averting your gaze. You now noticed his wrist making your eyes water. 'Oh no, what did I do' His wrist was covered with bright red marks made from your strong grip, his inner wrist was oozing out some blood where your nails were.

You gasped loudly "oh my god" whispering you stood up rushing out to get the first aid kit from your room.

Sitting in front of him you gently took his hand in yours. You cleaned his wound, bandaging it after. Your tears blurring your vision made it harder for you to tie the bandage. A tear dropped on Jungkook's hand gaining his attention.

Looking at you he saw tears streaming down your cheeks, your head hanging low. He cupped your cheeks softly, lifting your head "W-why are you crying?" He asked brushing your tears away with the thumbs.

"I-i h-hurt you, I promised not to but still I did. I'm sorry Jungkook"
You said sniffling softly.

"Its okay" Jungkook said with a small smile. "N-no its not, tell me what you want. I'll m-make it up to you" You spoke wiping your tears with the back of your hand.

Smiling softly at you Jungkook rubbed his chin with his hand pretending to think "Hm, how about c-cuddles and netflix. Your bunny ish tired" he spoke pouting cutely at the end.

You quietly giggled between your cries "Okay, let's do this" Standing up with him you both went to your room. Setting your laptop on your bed you both got under the covers.

He laid his head near your neck inhaling the sweet vanilla scent, his nose twitching cutely. You stroked his head helping him fall asleep in minutes. "Sorry again bun, it'll never happen again. I promise" you quietly whispered to yourself falling into deep slumber.


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