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It's been little over a month that you have got Jungkook and also  gotten extremely close to him.

He even sleeps with you on your bed, you tried getting him to sleep in a bunny house but this little fluff ball never listens.

Just like every other day, you woke up to your precious little rabbit curled up in a ball on the pillow beside you looking cuter than ever.


You got up and lazily strolled towards your bathroom to get ready for the day.

Coming back in your white tank top and black skater skirt you saw your fluff ball jumping on the bed and running in circles letting out cute little noises.

"Hey honey" you cooed to him.He climbed on you lap eyeing you cutely with his big eyes asking you to scratch his head which you gladly did.

Shuddering under your touch he let out a cute noise of pleasure making you squeal at his cuteness.

You pick him up cradling him to your shoulder like a baby and walked towards the living room.

You let out a low giggle at the sudden feeling of your rabbit's tongue giving you little licks on your neck.

This had been his habit ever since he started sleeping with you, licking your neck or below your ear from time to time.

You dropped Jungkook in his playpen which you recently bought. You giggled watching him hopping in circles happily.


"Have a good day sir" you finally greeted your last customer of the day.

"finally" you sighed from exhaustion, cracking your neck and rolling your now sore shoulders.

You hastily packed your things to go home and reunite with your baby bunny again missing him almost all day.

Jungkook has now been your happy place. Ever since you met him your life took a 360° turn. You no more cried at nights because of work stress instead you spend time playing with him, running around the house chasing him all day.

It's like he changed you, made you more merrier, bubblier and so much happier. On every bad day his presence is all you need to lighten up your mood and bring a smile to your face.

You loved him, his big doe eyes that sparkled when you gave him his favourite treats, his cute little tail that wiggled every time he saw you coming, his adorable nose twitches, his ears dropping every time you scratched between them on his head from pleasure. He was just so adorable for his own good.

"Anneyong Y/N" Areum, your co-worker slash best friend yelled snatching you out of your thoughts. You smiled and waved at her before exiting the shop.


You fumbled with the keys of your apartment feeling giddy to meet your precious bunny.

Jungkook's ears perked up at the sudden noise of the door being opened. He began jumping and emitting cute noises getting excited just like you.

Opening the door you saw your precious little fluff ball jumping in his playpen looking at you with his big doe eyes that you adored.You squealed at his cuteness rushing to pick him up.

You set him down on your lap as he rubbed his head on your thigh.
"My baby, How are you my bun?" "Did you miss me? Hmm?" You yet again cooed to him picking him at your eye level.

Kissing between his ears you cradled him to your chest taking him with you to your bedroom.

Changing into your pyjamas you climbed in your bed ready to sleep.

You took the now curled up in a ball bunny in your embrace caressing his ears cuddling him to your chest.

"Goodnight my bun, I love you"


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BTW I wrote this in 2 hours...
Am I too slow ?🥺

My Insecure Bunny 《J.JK》Where stories live. Discover now