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Running out from your room while shouting you knocked on Jungkook's bedroom door getting impatient. "JUNGKOOOOK~"

huh? Why is he not opening? You thought. You pushed his door open meeting with an adorable sight. Aww.

Jungkook was still peacefully sleeping clutching on the pillow beside him, his fluffy hair messily resting on his forehead, his lips pouted cutely. You smiled walking up to him.

You gently caressed his hair before whispering "Jungkookie wakey wakey~" he hummed leaning further in your touch. Quietly giggling you patted his head "Wake up sleepyhead, it's our day~"

Opening his eyes he looked at you lazily "Morning" he rasped out. "Good Morning bunny" you replied grinning widely.

"Let's get some breakfast"


"No no no Kook, let's watch this one" you furrowed your eyebrows pointing at the screen.

"No, we'll watch this" he crossed his arms on his chest, pouting angrily.

"Jungkook no" you stated playfully glaring at him.

"Pwease carrot, listen to your bunny. You promised" he pouted showing you his big sparkly doe eyes making you sigh and agree. Damn this bunny definitely knew your weakness.

You both ordered pizza. Eating it while watching the movie.

1 hour into the movie you felt Jungkook laying his head on your lap, he pulled your hand resting it on his head, wanting you to play with his hair.

Twirling his soft hair in your fingers you asked " You want to do something else? You look bored" looking up at you he cheekily smiled before replying.

"Let's dance"

A soft song playing in the background as you both swayed your bodies with the rhythm. Well nah, it's not your style, you both were thoroughly enjoying yourselves. Jumping, screaming, twerking you both did everything with stupid smiles plastered on your faces.

"Oh gosh it was tiring!" You exclaimed sitting on the couch, catching your breath. Jungkook laid on the carpeted floor breathing heavily while chuckling at you in between.

"I wanna sleep" you whined before getting up but got stopped by Jungkook's soft hand on your wrist.

"C-can I sleep with you tonight?" He quietly asked looking down afterwards.

You giggled at his flustered state before replying "Of course bun" You both walked towards your bedroom lazily clinging onto each other.

Plopping down on the fluffy mattress you let out a tired whine. Jungkook draped his arm around your waist, placing his head in the crook of your neck, he inhaled your sweet vanilla scent making him hum in satisfaction.

You ruffled his hair gently before whispering a quiet good night as he replied with the same words.

2:48 a.m

He looked at your sleeping form, smiling slightly. Moving a few strands of hair from your face he caressed your cheeks gently, not wanting you to wake up.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I really am. I'll miss you and I really love you" he placed soft kisses trailing from your forehead to your nose then cheeks.

"Thank you for everything my carrot"


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