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The bright light of the sun hit your face making you squint your eyes in protest. You groaned stretching your hands to your side trying to find Jungkook. Feeling the empty, cold mattress beneath your hands, you jolted up.

"Huh? Where'd he go now?" You mumbled before lazily standing up. Lifting your comfy duvet to land your feet on the floor you noticed a red paper neatly folded and placed on the bed under the duvet.

'What is this?' You thought, reaching out to grab the paper.

"Its a letter" you mumbled before opening the piece of paper carefully reading it.

"N-no he c-can't-"

Tears welled up in your eyes as you read through the letter. You fisted your hand lifting it up to your mouth, muffling your sobs.

Dear Carrot,🥕

Heyy!! I hope you got my letter...hehehe. Though I know I will not be there when you will get this but don't lose heart. I just want you to know that this is for your own good. You won't be sad anymore, you won't get harmed anymore, you will be happy. You won't have to tolerate my childish ass....hehe I know you told me that I'm never a burden to you but I can't help it. I thought I was the biggest burden to you. I thought you'd throw me out when you found me in the bathroom but you didn't. I thought you would scold me for my silly acts but you didn't. I thought you would see me as a burden you have to carry like everyone did but you didn't. I thought you wouldn't accept me the way I am but you did. You did Y/n. You took me in, you helped me , you cared for me, you thought about me before everyone else, you LOVED me like nobody did. And I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful for meeting such a sweet, caring and loving person like you. I thank god for making us cross paths.
I saw your pain Y/n, I saw your pain because of ME. I saw you suffering because of ME. I couldn't see you in so much pain because of ME. I saw so many troubles coming your way when I entered your life. I didn't like the idea of you being beaten up by Jackson and Jimin just because of ME. It was all my fault.
           You remember that time when I cried all night and day just because I thought that I was weak, I thought you'd slap me or something because how annoying I was being. But remember what you did, you stayed with me all day, all night just to make sure I was okay. You comforted me with so may encouraging words just to make me feel better. You didn't even go to work, just to stay with me and make sure I was doing okay. You always preferred me over yourself and I couldn't bear that.
           I hope you don't hate me for this btw. And please don't take it on yourself, you're not at fault. I did it for you okay? Stay safe and eat well hm? Don't overwork yourself, I'll watch you from here okay?.....hehe. pwease don't forget your bunny *puppy eyes* I know I don't say this but I love you my carrot I really do and Thank you very much for everything you did for me. Again I'm really sorry. Please forgive me. Don't cry and Smile! Never let that beautiful smile leave your face okay? I love you and always will!!

Love from
Bunny🐰 to his carrot🥕


•The End•


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