Chapter 3

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Pov Lexi/Bella

When I walk into the room I see that motherfucker, who just called me a slut, talking to his friends.

'Hey, Bella right?' says the teacher.

I nod and she says 'you can sit next to Sem' while pointing at that fucker.

'Isn't there an other place to sit?" I ask irritated.

'No sorry'

'Fuck' I mumble

I walk towards the spot and he looks at me with a grin.

'Can you get up? Or move?'

'No sorry slut' he says with a grin while 2 other boys laugh.

I have to work so hard to contain my anger.

I walk in front of him and he squeezes my ass 'nice ass' he says still grinning.

Okay, so this was the moment when I was boiling with rage. I sit down and give him a hard slap in the face 'Listen kid, I'm not one of those barbie dolls you spend your time with and who fuck every guy they see. Don't. Touch. Me.' I say angrily. 

I turn away and look out of the window. I put in my earplugs and listen to music, very loud, so that I can't hear anyone. My hood is still on my head so that's good.

I have economics at the moment. She explains exactly the same stuff I had 2 months ago and I had an A for it, so I don't have to pay attention luckily.




Just ignore him Lexi.

And suddenly my earplug is pulled out of my right ear.

'What the fuck do you want!' I say angrily.

'Wow calm down bitch, can I borrow a pen from you?'

'You really think I'm going to give you anything after this morning, don't you?'


I roll my eyes, turn away again and look out the window.

After a while my earplug is pulled out again.

'How many times do I have to tell you not to touch me?' I say angrily.

'Often' he says with a grin.

I look in front of me and see the two other boys sitting face to face in front of us.

'What is it?' I ask annoyed.

'Calm down, we have to make a group assignment' says a boy with curly hair and brown eyes.

'And we've decided to put you in our group' says the other boy with light brown hair and brown eyes.

'Well. No. I prefer to work alone'

'That's not possible babe, remember when he said "group assignment?"' says Samuel.

'No, fuck you, I'll find a different group, with normal people in it.'

'Which group? Every group is full, there is no hope left' says the boy with curls.

I sigh and say 'what is the assignment?'

'We have to make a romantic movie or something' Samuel says.

I sigh 'and I'm the girl who's in love?'

'Yep' they say with a laugh.

'How long does it have to be?'

'About half an hour'

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