Chapter 46

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The bell is ringing, that means. I'M OUT! I'TS TIME FOR WEEKEND!!!

I grab my things and walk to my locker. I take out my coat and walk to my car with Sarah.

'What time should I come?' I ask.

'Come around 6 PM' she says.

'Okay, should I take you home?' I ask.

'If you can, please' she says with a smile.

'That's no problem' I say with a smile.

We get in and the first thing she does as soon as I start the car is grab my phone, which I had put in the holder.

I drive away and Sarah dials a song. At the chorus she starts to sing along loudly, which makes me laugh.

What a crazy person.

'We're here' I say.

'What? Already, I just got comfortable'

I laugh and unlock the door.

'Thank you' Sarah says.

'No problem, see you tonight'

'See you tonight'

She shuts the door and I drive away.

The moment I get out of my car and I step through the front door, Quinn comes running towards me. I hug him and I hear laughter coming from the living room, that must be Chloë.

I take off my shoes and coat and immediately Quinn runs into the living room. I walk behind him laughing, as soon as Chloë sees me she comes running to me.

'Hey' I say.

'Helloo my dear sister' she says with a smile.

I laugh and pick her up, with her in my hands I walk towards the TV and turn down the volume a bit.

'What do you want from me?' I say laughing, she wants something from me, otherwise she would never call me 'my dear sister'.

She laughs and dives into my neck with her face. I hear a noise from the kitchen and I ask 'is mommy home?'

'No, but your boyfriend is here, Samuel' she says and looks at me innocently. My smile disappears immediately and Samuel walks out of the kitchen.

'Lexi' he says surprised when he sees me.

'Samuel?' I put Chloë down and ask 'what are you doing here? And how did you get in'

'I opened the door for him' Chloë says.

I bend and look at Chloë 'Chloë , what did I tell you, you can't open the door when you're home alone'

'I'm sorry' she says.

I sigh and say 'go to your room'

She nods and walks to her room.

'What are you doing here?' I angrily ask Samuel.

'I'm here for Levi, not for you' he says. Damn it hurts when he's harsh like that. I kinda still had hope in us.

'He's not even home'

'I found that out too' he says.

'Damn, calm down' I say and put away Chloë's toys.

After I have cleaned everything up, the door opens and Levi enters. Levi and Samuel greet each other in the "manly" way.

'Hey sister' Levi says and pulls me into a hug.

'Hi' I say dryly.

'Why so dry? Your most handsome brother is hugging you and you're not happy?' I smile softly by his *attempt* to make me happy 'don't you get excited when your handsome boyfriend hugs you' he says smiling and pushes me towards Samuel, who catches me deftly, otherwise I would fall for him. do you get it? no? I understand, I'm just weird, let's just leave it at that.

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