Chapter 37

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~ 5 days later ~ They're back in Miami ~

Sighing, I close my locker and walk to the auditorium, I have a break. I sit down with the nerds, as usual, and sit behind my phone.

Ibiza was quite nice, but I wouldn't want to go there more often with the kids from my school, I just don't like them.

And guess what, that bitchy Biology teacher told the principal that I broke Ashley's arm and that's why my mom has to talk with her this afternoon. She got so mad at me at the beginning, but after I told her the real story, that she hit me and I twisted her arm, she got mad at the principal and the teacher.

But the worst part is, if one of the students here at school recognizes my mother and passes it on, everyone will know my real name...

Anddd, the History teacher said there's a prom coming up, so that's something I'm not going to.

I see two figures coming to sit next to me, but ignore it.

'Hey, Bella!' says Lucia happily.

I give her a nod and continue a game I was playing on my phone.

'Who are you going to the prom with?' Lucia asks enthusiastically.

'I'm staying at home' I say firmly.

'Oh hell no, you're going' Sarah says.

'Why would I? Wearing a dress is not for me' I say.

'But you did wear a red dress to the club last time' Lucia says with a grin.

'That's not the same as a 80-meter dress'

They both sigh and I say 'I'll see if I come'

They both have a smile on their face. 'Has Caleb asked you yet?' I ask Lucia. She nods vigorously and immediately gets a smile on her face.

'And has anyone asked you yet?' I ask Sarah.

'Nope' she says sadly.

'If no one asks you, I'll come with you' I say.

'For real?! So you're coming! Okay, I'm going to reject anyone who asks me along' Sarah says happily.

Lucia and I laugh and I say 'say yes to a boy who is nice and asks you along, don't think about me' I say and run my hands through my hair.

I walk to my locker and change my books, a prom isn't for me, I'd rather be at home gaming.

I close my locker but I'm startled by Mason who suddenly stood behind my locker door.

'What's up?' I ask.

'Not happy to see me?' asks Mason with a pout.

I laugh and run my hands through my hair. 'Sorry, I'm just a little annoyed'

He steps in front of me and puts a tuft of hair behind my ear. 'How so? What happened?' he asks hoarsely.

I sigh and say 'nothing important, what did you want?'

'I actually wanted to ask you something' he says with a smile.

Oh no no no no, I really hope he won't ask me to the prom, because I don't want to turn him down.

'Would you like to go to the prom with me? As my date?'

I sigh and look at him 'I'm sorry to say this Mason but I'm not going'

'Why not? I will make it an unforgettable evening' he says with a small smile.

I sigh and say 'no I'm sorry'

'What do I have to do to persuade you?' he asks.

'You won't be able to persuade me, sorry' I say and walk to my class.

Well, that was embarrassing, hopefully it won't happen again...


I walk to my car, I'm finally done with school for today. Time to go home! I want to see Quinn. (Quinn is her dog, for those who forgot (:)

'Bella!' I hear a voice say when I'm just standing next to my car.

I look behind me and see that it was Samuel. He comes running to me.

'Hey' he says with a smile and casually puts his hands in his pockets.

' Hey' I say with a smile.

I don't know, but when Samuel is near me I can't stop smiling. I'm just so in love with him, wish he felt the same for me...

'Let me get straight to the point, do you want to come with me to the prom?' he asks.

Sigh, how am I supposed to answer this?

'Samuel, I'd really like you to be my date, but-'

'But Mason asked you before, didn't he?' he finishes my sentence.

'What? No! I mean, yes he had asked me before,
but I said no' and immediately a grin spreads over his face. 'I'd love to go with you, but I'm not going, a prom isn't for me'

'Please? It's going to be really fun'

I smile softly and say 'no, sorry'

I get in my car and quickly drive away. That was
hard, I don't really understand why he asked me along, does he want to make Ashley jealous and use me? If he intends to, I'll chop his balls off and put it in his breakfast.


It's already 7 PM. I spent all afternoon playing with my sister Chloë and Quinn, my dog.

I'm in the kitchen preparing food for Chloë and myself.

The doorbell rings, I wash my hands and dry them. I check my gun, what? I live in a neighborhood with creepy people okay? You'll never know.

I walk to the door and see that Chloë has already opened it.

'Chloë! What did I teach you? Never open the door on your own' I say angrily.

'Sorry, but I saw this handsome boy through the window so I had to open it' says Chloë softly.

I sigh and pat her head and give her a kiss 'go to the living room, I'll be right back.' She nods and runs to the living room.

I only now see that Samuel is standing at my door.

'Samuel? What are you doing here?'

'Since when do you have a little sister' he asks confused.

I laugh and say 'it's my half sister, my mother got her six years ago when she was dating an idiot'

He makes an 'o' shape with his lips and I ask 'what did you come for anyway?'

'I wanted to convince you for the prom' he says with a smile.

Laughing I sigh and say 'I'm really not coming'

'Why not?' he asks, meanwhile it starts to rain, so I pull him inside.

'I hate those kinds and parties'

'Please come?'

I laugh and shake my head.

'If you come...


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