Chapter 9

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Pov Bella/Lexi

Just when I was about to respond to his message, Samuel grabs my phone out of my hands.

I look at Samuel angrily and say 'give it back'

'No, be a little social, talk to me.'

'No, didn't one of your whores text you?'

'Yes, but just be a little social'

'Ugh, okay, but can I have my phone back?'

'I won't give it back until you give me a kiss' he says with a grin.


'Okay, let's see who you were texting with'

'No! Okay okay, I'll give you your kiss'

He can't see that I texted with Levi, he sent me a message that we might be able to play another match soon.

Samuel doesn't need to know about that.

'On my lips' he says with a grin still on his face that I prefer to knock off.

I sigh and roll my eyes 'sure'

He comes closer and I give him a kiss on his soft full lips.

I look at his eyes and look back at his lips and do that a few times, until he suddenly puts his hand on my neck and starts kissing me.

It feels so good.

You shouldn't start to like him, before it ends like the last time..

Yes, yes, am I not allowed to just kiss someone?

He asks for permission and I give it to him.

But suddenly our kiss is interrupted by someone knocking on the window.

I roll down the window and look questioningly at Sarah.

'Come on, our food is here and we're going to eat it on those outside seating areas'

Immediately Samuel gets out of my car, leaves my phone behind and walks to the others with his hands in his pocket.

Sighing, I also get out and look at Sarah, who looks at me with a grin.

'What?' I try to ask as innocently as possible.

'Yeah, I saw it, you two were kissing'

'Stop it'

'You liked it' she says with a grin.

I look the other way and ignore it.

'Yes! I know you did' she says happily.

'Stop hyperventilating like that, it was just a kiss, we did it in the pool too'

'Just a kiss? You almost swallowed each other, but the pool one wasn't like this one'

'Ugh, just stop being annoying" I say.

She laughs, we have already arrived he the others.

'Hey Bella, this one is yours' Lucia says as she hands me a bag.

'Thank you, I'm going to eat this in my car' I say.

'How so?' Katy asks.

'I'm cold' I say.

'You can have my coat' Aiden says as he begins to take off his coat.

'No thank you, you don't have to' I say with a smile.

'Are you sure?'

I nod and turn around and walk back to my car.

When I arrive I get back in. I put on some music and start eating.

After fifteen minutes I finished my food and I am full. This was so needed, so yummy.

I grab my phone and just scroll through instagram.

Half an hour later the door of the passenger seat opens and Aiden gets in.

'Hey' he says smiling.


I knew Samuel wouldn't ride with me, maybe that's a good thing. Because that kiss before was a mistake and I hope I don't make that mistake again.

'Is it okay if I take a detour?' I ask Aiden.

'You're the driver' he says with a laugh.

He's really nice. Nicer than Samuel anyway...

Thirty minutes later we arrive at the house of Samuels parents.

I park my car in their driveway and we get out.

Aiden rings the bell and within seconds the door is opened by a smiling Katy.

They kiss each other and we walk in.

'Bella, everyone is sleeping over, are you staying as well?' Katy asks.

'No sorry'

'How so? It's going to be really fun' Aiden says.

'No, I'd rather go home'

'Are you sure?' he tries.

I nod and he says 'okay'

I walk up the stairs and walk to Samuels room.

Without thinking, I walk into his room without knocking. And that wasn't such a good idea...

He's just taking off his shirt.

'Oh fuck, sorry' I say.

'Don't worry, what's up?'

'I came to pick up my sweater'

'Oh, you can keep mine if you want'

'I wasn't going to change anyway' I say with a grin.

'Don't grin like that' he says as he approaches.

'Don't come so close' I say as I go back more.

'Don't walk back like that' he says with a grin.

Okay, so this was the moment where I thought I should've grabbed my sweater and walk away. But no, I was smart enough to be in the same room with this half-naked idiot.

I bump into the wall. Great, can it get any better today?

He leans against the wall with one hand and grins at me.

'There is no way out' he says still grinning and he puts his other hand on my cheek and strokes me with his thumb.

He looks from my eyes to my lips and comes closer.

Just as our lips were about to touch, I turn my head, making his lips touch my cheek.

'S..Stop' I manage to say.

'You didn;t tell me to stop in the car' he whispers hoarsely in my ear.

I close my eyes and say nothing back, causing him to place kisses on my neck.

Bad memories run through my head, memories of Brandon that I wish I had forgotten.

"S..Samuel, please stop," I say with a terrifying voice.

Pov Samuel

I look at her startled and take a few steps back. So that she has space.

Was she just scared? Of me?

She quickly grabs her sweater and walks out of my room.


A bit short but I couldn't find a different place to put the cliffhanger ): - 995 words

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