Chapter 10

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Pov Samuel

She quickly grabs her sweater and walks out of my room.

Not knowing what to do, I follow her.

'Bella, wait!'

She ignores me and walks away faster.


And that's when she closes the door and walks fastx to her car.

'Bro, wtf happened?' asks Caleb.

'Something happened in my room, and then she ran away' I say with a sigh.

I probably won't get an answer to the question of why she was afraid of me.

'It was so bad you had to come down in your underwear?' says Katy.

I sigh and nod and walk back to my room. I need some sleep.

Pov Bella/Lexi

I quickly walk to my car, start my engine and drive away.

I don't need to see Samuel for the next few days, make it months.

Twenty minutes later I get home and parked my car. It's 00:21. My mom's boyfriend is probably going to yell at me, but fuck him, who does he think he is?

Sighing, I get out of my car and walk into the house.

As soon as I closed the door my mother's boyfriend comes walking into the hallway, I don't see him as my father/stepfather, so that's why I always call him 'my mother's friend'.

'Where are you coming from this late?! From a boy isn't it!'

'It's none of your business, don't try to act like a dad!'

'Listen lady-'

'Josh! Don't yell like that! The kids are sleeping, I'll talk to her' my mother says.

Josh gives me a deadly look and walks away.

'Hey sweetie'

'Hey mom' I say with a small smile and give her a kiss.

'How was it? Did you finish that film?'

'Yeah, it was okay, we filmed the ending in the pool so when we got out I was cold and changed my clothes. Later I fell asleep, then we went to get some food, I dropped someone off and I went home' I say in Spanish.

My mother and I always speak Spanish to each other. Sometimes I also speak Spanish with Levi or Cameron, but not much. When Levi starts yelling at me in Spanish he is really angry.

'Nice, can I see it?'

'We'll see' I say with a smile. 'Is Chloe asleep yet?'

'Yeah, of course, it's already half past one love'

'Oh yes, Imma go sleep, have to get up in six hours'

'Alright, sleep well baby'

'You too mom" I say as I give her a kiss and walk upstairs.

I put on my pajamas and lay down under my nice warm blankets. Although it's hot here in Miami, I get cold easily, especially at night.

I close my eyes and fall asleep in no time.

~ One month later ~

Today is Friday. This entire month I have avoided the entire friend group of Samuel, I occasionally talk to Sarah, but I also try to avoid her as much as possible.

Luckily they left me alone this week. Even though I had most of my classes with Samuel, we didn't exchange a word.

The whole school now sees me as the new geek and the new victim of Samuel.

I'm happy that they see me as a nerd, but I certainly won't be Samuel's new victim.

The others now see me as a nerd too, although Lucia and Katy sometimes join me during break time, I just walk away and ignore them completely.

And about that video we made, the teacher loved it and gave us an A. And about that history piece with Sarah. I just told her I would make it and turn it in, but she said she already made it. And we got a B for that. Nice isn't it?

After school I spend time with my sister Chloë or with my dog ​​Quinn. I'm glad I have more time for them.

Every now and then I do some training with Levi, but the last time we did that was last Saturday.

Luckily everyone at school now knows that Dean/Levi is my brother and not my boyfriend...

My mother basically forces me to have dinner at her best friend's house tonight. She said she also had a "handsome" son who is well destined for me...

You know how mothers are.

I skipped school today. I didn't want to see all those kids and who says no to another free day?

It's 13:09. I'm still in my pajamas on the couch watching TV.

Luckily, Josh is at work, so he can't nag me and get mad at me for staying home.

Quinn has been sitting next to me the whole time. He is now suddenly moving with his tail and staring at me. That means he wants to pee.

I laugh and get up, turn off the TV and pat Quinn on the head.

I walk to my room and change into black pants with holes and on top of that I put on Samuel's sweater. I still have it, really bad, I know. But I was just too lazy to give it back to him.

I put my hair in a high bun and put my ears in.

I walk downstairs and immediately Quinn comes running. And immediately a smile comes to my face.

I grab his leash and we walk outside, to the park!

Once at the park I take off my earplugs and put them in my pocket. The whole park is empty, there is literally no one there so I go for a run with Quinn.

He likes it when I run away with a stick instead of throwing the stick. And since I can run quite fast, we do run a bit through the park.

It's a really big dog park. You have a few tables with chairs and nothing more. More than that, it's just a place where you can run.

Quinn has already pooped and peed on the way to the park.

I untie his leash and grab a big stick.


He listens very well. Even if I stand with a very large piece of meat in my hands and say 'sit' he just sits and does nothing else.

'And... Run!' I say as I start to run fast.

I look behind me to look at Quinn, but...


Not the best chapter but at least it's something (,: - 1064 words

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