Chapter 50

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Pov Lexi

It is already six months later, quite a lot has happened in those six months. Do you want to know what happened?



The End

Well this was the end of 'The Badgirl', I want to thank you all for reading my book💞

Joking! I'm just kidding. I'll come with a better ending don't worry.

Take 2:

You want to know, don't you? Okay, here you go.

Well in those six months, Samuel and I moved in together in a nice house we bought together. Pretty crazy, but an amazing step in our lives.

School is over by the way! woohooo! I never want to see those shitty heads of those people again. Just never again.

Well again about Samuel and me, we're very happy together. And every day my love for him grows more and more. I can't get enough of his cute face, of his beautiful eyes, of his nice/cute inner self that can be dominant.

Ugh I just love him!

Oh yeah, you'll never guess what happened!

I am pregnant!

Okay no, I'm kidding.

Now you want to know what happened?

~ Flashback ~

It's about eleven o'clock in the evening and I have to let Quinn out.

'Samuel! Are you coming?' I shout through the house.

'Yeah coming!' he calls back.

'Jesus hurry up, we're only walking the dog' I say and pat Quinn.

Samuel comes over, kisses my lips and pats Quinn. Of course we took my little baby with us when we moved to our new home.

Samuel puts on his coat and we walk out the door.

I want to walk to the dog park, but Samuel stops me.

'Shall we take a different route tonight?' he asks.

'Sure' I say and take off Quinn's leash, causing him to walk a little further while he does his thing.

Samuel takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. I look at him and automatically a smile comes on my face.


'Yes babe'

'I love you' I say smiling.

He looks at me and then smiles. He kisses my lips and says 'I love you'

We arrive at a cliff. From here you can almost see the whole city, this is so beautiful.

'Wow' I mumble.

'Nice huh?'

I nod and look at it fascinatingly.

Samuel wraps his arms around my waist from behind me and rests his head on my shoulder.

'This is beautiful' I say softly.

'Not nearly as beautiful as you are' Samuel says softly in my ear, making me blush.

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