Chapter 24

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Pov Bella/Lexi

'Or else?'

'Otherwise I'll fuck you' he says seriously.

Thinking about it I wouldn't want it, it's different when I'm in the mood or drunk but right now I wouldn't want it but he's so serious about it. Thinking about raping brings tears to my eyes. I was raped when I was 14, so my first time was actually with Brandon, if you don't count the rape.

Come on Lexi, hold it back. You can do it.

Pov Samuel (just to be safe, Samuel is in an angry and sad mood)

Tears come to her eyes and I can see in her eyes that she is in a conflict with herself.

Yeah okay maybe I shouldn't have said that.

'Let go of me, I have to go' she breaks our eye contact and tries to take my arms away.


'Cole' she says softly. 'Now fuck off, you fucking jerk. Go to that whore of yours!' she yells in my face this time.

Before I realize what I've done my hand hits her cheek, hard.

Pov Bella/Lexi

I look at him startled, what did he hit me for?

'You are so unbelievable' laughing I shake my head, pick up my bag and walk to the door.

Samuel pulls me back, but in a quick reflex I free myself from his grip, take my pistol out of my pocket and aim it at him.

'Don't you dare to touch me again, you're dead to me Samuel' I say.

Pov Samuel

And that was when my heart broke. Why did I hit her?! I hit the lockers hard and walk to my car. I see her drive away, I quickly get into my car and drive behind.

I don't want anything to happen to her because of me.

Pov Bella/Lexi

I text Cole and say something came up. I'm driving to my father's place, why did he hit me? It was bad for him to say he'd fuck me already, but what reason did he have to hit me? And why did I spare him? I Should've put a bullet in his stupid head.

I park my car and put a beanie on since it's raining outside, that improves my mood a bit. Because then it's nice and dark outside.

I slowly walk in and get into the elevator. Without knocking, I walk into my father's office and take his keys from his drawer.

'Do you have night shifts?' I ask as I walk to his door, he was in a conversation with someone.


'Try to get home as late as possible' I say and press the elevator button.

Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look around.

'What happened?' my father asks concerned.

'Nothing to worry about, I'm sleeping at yours tonight'

I step into the elevator and look at my father, he looks at me concerned, the closing doors break our eye contact.

I walk to my car and get in. I put on music and drive to my father's house. All the time it feels like I'm being chased by somebody. I look in my rear view mirror and see a Lamborghini driving behind me, we all know who else has a Lamborghini looking like that.

Yup, Samuel, the one and only. He's just Brandon's copy.

I look in the rearview mirror one more time, and sure enough, I see Samuels head, first he wants to rape me, then he beats me and now he's chasing me? This shit is getting crazy.

I drive to the house at 120 miles an hour. My dads house is so big, it's insane. That's what she said. Lame I know. When you drive into the street you have to go through a gate that is strictly secured, there are about three houses next to each other and opposite you have three more. My dad lives st the last one on the right side.

'Password?' is requested from a machine. The password gets changed every day.

I tap on the device the four numbers that my father had sent me through text and the gate opens. Samuel can't get in of course, yeah stay back you fucker. 

I drive on and the gates close.

Samuel really ruined my life. I thought I'd get rid of Brandon, but looks like I've found his twin, although Samuel is more handsome.

I park my car in the garage and walk to my room. My room is quite big. When you walk in you see a very big queen sized bed. Half of the walls are black and the other half is white. On the left side of the door you have a big TV, opposite a sofa. On the right side of the door I have a desk, on the left side of the desk there is a door that leads to the walk-in closet. And on the right side of my desk you have a door that leads to the bathroom.

I jump on my bed and stare straight ahead. I still don't understand why Samuel is acting like this to me, we had a lot of fun last week, but yeah. Fuck him, I hope he falls off a bridge with his stray dog, Ashley.

~ Next Day ~

I open my eyes and look around me, apparently I fell asleep when I jumped on my bed. I take my phone out of my pocket and check the time.

Thursday, 11:37am.


I quickly undress and jump in the shower, after five minutes I get out and put on black ripped jeans and on top I put on the first best hoodie I see. So a white hoodie. I comb my hair and let it hang loose. I quickly pick up my school bag from the floor and run to the garage. I get in my car and try to start it up, but it doesn't work.

'Come on come on!'

Fuck! I should've filled it up yesterday.

I quickly get out and walk to the key cabinet in the garage, there are about 20 other cars here, so I have a lot to choose from. I grab the car keys from the Lamborghini and run to it. I quickly get in and drive away.

This car drives so smooth. And that sound coming from the engine, insane.

Normally I would've been at school in twenty minutes, but since I drive so fast I am there in ten. I'm lucky, I'm on a break, so I'm not going to report that I'm late either.

Now that I know I'm on a break, I walk to my locker on my own speed.

Okay, nope, this isn't going to be it.


I'm sorry for such a boring chapter - 1140 words

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