Chapter 16

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Pov Bella/Lexi

I throw my bag aside and give her a right corner in the face, I think I just heard her jaw break, but yeah she asked for it.

She falls on the floor and I give her a left corner too, I go on and on.

I am pulled by my arms, but angrily I pull back, I look at Samuel and Caleb and say 'don't touch me.' I continue hitting. I pick her up by her collar and push her against the first wall I see.

I see the tears coming from her eyes, but I don't pay attention to it, my anger just takes over. I give her a fist in the stomach and she falls on the floor, just when I wanted to give her a few more fists I am pulled into a pair of strong arms and I start to calm down.

This is Levi, no one else except Cameron could calm me down like that.

'Calm down, calm down' Levi whispers in my ear.

'Bella! Come with me to my office now! And someone, take her to the school doctor!' says the director.

'Calmed down?' asks Levi.

I nod and he lets go of me. I pick up my bag and give Samuel, who looks at me with an incredulous look, a deadly look and walk after the director.

I feel my knuckles pounding, they are red and a little purple.

'Take a seat' he says.

I sit down and look at him bored.

'Why?' is all he says.

'Samuel has told the whole school that I've been in bed with him, which I haven't' I explain everything to him and he nods now and then.

'But that didn't mean you had to break all her bones.'

'She asked for it, she shouldn't have touched me'

He sighs and says 'you hit her last time too'

'What is my punishment?' I ask bored, just go straight to the point.

'Stay in detention for the rest of the week, and go now before I change my mind, you should actually get more punishment'

I stand up and say 'thank you'

He coughs and then I say 'thank you' with a smile.

I close the door with a smile on my face. When I look to the right I am startled.

'Jesus, Dean you scared me'

'What did he say?'

'He was just disappointed and I have to stay in detention for the rest of the week'

'Let me look at your hand' he says as his hand extends out.

He takes my hand and looks disapprovingly at my knuckles.

'Does it hurt?'

'I'm used to it'

He nods 'this is your last time fighting in school, I won't say it again' he says angrily.

'What is your problem? It's none of your business whether I get suspended or not'

Is he on his period or something? He knows how to instantly ruin someone's mood.

Classes have already started so I walk to the classroom.

I walk in without knocking.

'Mrs. Adams, you came! Take a seat next to Mr Davis'

'No, that ain't happening, isn't there somewhere else to sit?'

'And why not?' he asks with a raised eyebrow.

'His ego is too big, he needs both chairs for that'

'You must be the funniest at home?'

'Yes I am'

'Either you get out or you sit down'

I sigh and walk to a place 'get up' I say and the kid immediately stands up and sits down next to Samuel. I drop down on the seat and look at the teacher with a smile.

Just about everyone got scared of me now, which is nice. At least I also have an excuse for Levi for not making friends.


TRINNGGGG. Finished! This was a tiring day. Fortunately, the whole school now knows that I didn't sleep with Samuel after all.

Finally time to go home! Well, I'll go see my father first.

I walk to my locker and grab my gym clothes. I walk outside and I see Levi and his group of friends a little further away. We have eye contact, but I look away. I walk to my car and get in. I start the car and immediately drive away.

On to my father!

I park my car in front of his company and walk in.

I greet some people and get into the elevator, I press the 30th floor, on the 21st the elevator stops and someone gets in.

When I see who gets in I immediately get grumpy.

'What are you doing here?' he asks.

I ignore him and stare in front of me.

We both get out on the 30th floor and walk together to the same office.

'Why are you following me?' he asks.

Pff, does he seriously think I'm following him?

I ignore him and knock on the door.

'Come in' I hear from the other side.

I open the door and immediately a smile comes on my face.

'Hi Dad' I say

'Hey sweetie'

'Dad?' Samuel asks.

'No, grandpa' I say rolling my eyes.

'Lexi, don't be so rude to others'

'Well, he deserves it'

'Why?' my dad asks.

'Yes Lexi, why?' Samuel asks with the expression on Lexi and sits down on the couch.

'I can't say why at the moment' I say with red cheeks.

'Hmm, okay, I understand already, you can just say that you two have a past' says my dad with a winks.


He smiles and says 'Samuel and I need to talk, in private'

"Is Alessia here?' I ask.

He nods. 'Great, I'll be with her if you're looking for me' I say with a smile to my dad and walk out of his office.

I get into the elevator and press on the button with the number twenty one on it. Arriving on the 21st floor I happily step out of the elevator and walk into a room, this is a kind of chill room, you have all kinds of things here.

When you walk in you have a very soft black sofa on the right with a few bean bags next to it. Opposite you have the TV with a gaming console, of course.

Behind the couch you have a very long bar. To the left of the door you have a pool table and a ping pong table where we mostly play beer pong.

The walls are all big windows so you can look at the beautiful city when you're having a drink.



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