Chapter 57

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Just then Brandon comes in, sigh. Of course he has to ruin our moment again.

Pov Lexi

'Here you go' Brandon says as he puts the full plate of delicious food on a table.

I smile gratefully at him and he winks at me. Samuel gives Brandon an angry look, but as soon as I put my hand on his cheek he looks straight into my eyes with a small smile on his lips, which I'd love to feel on mine right now.

Samuel puts me down on the bed and I start eating.

I start a conversation with the boys until I finish eating.

'Would you like more water?' Brandon asks.

I look at the two empty water bottles in front of me and then nod. He smiles, gets up and walks out of the room.

Samuel takes my hand and I look at him. He has a sweet smile on his face, automatically I have to smile too. His cute face, ugh I can't.

'What time is it actually?' I ask as I look around, looking for a clock.

'3 a.m.' Samuel replies.

'It's so late, maybe you should get some sleep, you have such big bags under your eyes' I say with a little giggle.

Samuel looks at me amused and shakes his head 'I'm not tired'

Just as he says that, a yawn escapes his mouth. I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

'Not tired huh?'

He smiles and I move up a bit. I pull up my blanket and pat next to me.

Samuel takes off his shoes and hoodie and lies down next to me. Well, I sit and he lies. His arms around my stomach and his head on my chest.

'Sleep well mi amor' I say and give him a kiss in his hair.

'Hmm. You smell good' Samuel mumbles, making me laugh.

I soon hear from his regular breathing that he has fallen asleep. I run my hands through his hair and look at Brandon who just walked into the room.

He puts two water bottles on the cupboard next to me and I look at him gratefully.

'I'll go' he says softly trying not to wake Samuel.

'You can sleep here too? There's a sofa there' I say, pointing to a far too small sofa.

He smiles and puts on his coat 'It's okay, I'll go home'

I smile and say 'but I don't want you to leave'

'I have to go to work in 4 hours, I don't have a choice' he says as he runs his hands through his hair.

I look at him and he smiles.

'I'll drop by right after work' he says with a smile.

I smile too and he kisses my forehead.

'Sleep well, princess' he says with a wink.

'Sleep well Brandie' we both laugh and wave to each other, after which he leaves my room.

When we had something I always called him 'Brandie', he never liked it, but I did.


I wake up to the bright light coming into my hospital room, ugh this is annoying.

I look next to me and see Samuel sleeping in peace. He is so cute when he sleeps, so sweet and so innocent.

I can't resist and place kisses all over his face. He opens his eyes smiling.

'I missed this so much' he says in a sexy morning voice as he wraps his arms around me even tighter.

'I missed you so much' I say and run my hands through his hair.

After laying like this for a while, Samuel gets up.

'Hey' I say.

'Sorry princess, but your friends and family are coming, they missed you'

'Oh fuck! I completely forgot to say anything to them. I have to do it now! Where's my phone?!' I rattle on as I look for my phone from the bed.

Samuel smiles and grabs my face, he kisses my lips and then says 'I already informed them, they are on their way'

Relieved I sigh 'thank you, I love you' I say.

'I love you too baby' he says and gives me a few kisses on my lips.

Samuel opens a closet and pulls out a new shirt, which he then puts on.

'I liked the view better without a shirt' I say.

He winks - which makes him look even sexier - and fixes his hair.

Suddenly the door opens, there they are. All the people I love and who have seen me like this for two years, what will they think of me? They probably think I'm so weak now.

My mother bursts into tears as soon as she sees me. She comes over to me crying and we cuddle for a while.

Half an hour later I hugged everyone, I thought so. Suddenly a beautiful girl walks into my room, Chloë. She has grown so much.

Tears well up in my eyes, I'm such a bad sister. I wasn't even there for my sister while she was growing up. I didn't see her grow up, I didn't make her laugh, I gave her such bad examples. Tears slowly escape from the corners of my eyes as soon as she looks at me in shock.

I open my arms and she jumps right in.

'Lexi! Is this really you?!' she shouts.

I nod 'it's me sweetie'

I tighten the grip around her, tears continuing to stream down my cheeks. 'I've missed you so much, never leave me alone again' she sobs.

'I promise you Chloë, I will never leave you alone again'

She pulls free from my grip and smiles at me as she wipes my tears away.

"Wow, you've turned out so beautiful" I say admiringly.

'I hope I become as beautiful as you in the future' she says with a big smile on her face.

'As long as you don't look like your brothers, you'll always be gorgeous' I say.

'Hey!' both my brothers say "offended" as everyone in the room laughs.

Just then I hear a dog barking, not just any dog, no, my dog. My baby, my everything.

As soon as Quinn enters my room he continues to bark, but when he sees me he barks very loudly and starts jumping back and forth.

I laugh and lift him onto the bed, he immediately sits on my lap and I stroke his soft fur.

Now the picture is complete, I'm in a room full of the people I love.

So by that I mean my parents, my brothers, the parents of Samuel, Quinn, Chloë, Alessia, Sarah, Caleb, Aiden, Lucia, Katy and, last but not least, my fiancée, Samuel.

God I missed their touch so much.


1120 words

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