Chapter 28

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Pov Bella/Lexi

I open my eyes and look around me, oh yeah, I stayed with Shem to sleep. I turn around and see that Samuel is still asleep. I lay down close to him and see that he is smiling.

'How long have you been awake?' I ask.

'Long enough to know you snore' he says with a grin.

'Do I snore?' I ask, startled.

'No, I'm just kidding, shall we have breakfast?' he says with a little laugh.

'Yes that sounds good'

I throw the blanket off me and startle, FUCK! I JUST GOT MY PERIOD ON SAMUEL'S BED! This is so embarrassing.

'What's wrong' Samuel asks and looks with me at the piece of duvet covered in blood.

'I've had my period and I've leaked' I say with a tomato head.

'That's okay, are you in pain?' he asks concerned.

Omg it's so cute when he's are worried.

'A little, but I want to take a shower'

'Where does it hurt? Does it hurt a lot?' he asks.

He gets up from his bed and walks over to me.

I laugh and say 'I can live with it'

'Come and you can take a shower'

I grab the extra panties from my bag, I always have extra panties with me for cases like this, and walk to the bathroom.

'The towels are there' Samuel says and points to a pile of towels. 'If you need anything, call me'

'Do you have any tampons?' I ask with red cheeks.

'I'll see if Sarah has some'

'Thank you' I say with a smile.

I get in the shower and wash myself thoroughly. It's really embarrassing that I leaked through Samuel's presence, even on his bed!

After about twenty minutes I get out of the shower and put on my panties and bra, Samuel hadn't come with sanitary pads yet so I put a load of toilet paper on my panties. I'll ask Rita, the cleaning lady, later if she might have a some tampons for me.

I put on a new shirt from Samuel's closet and blow-dry my hair, I put it in a high bun and put my dirty clothes in a plastic bag that I then put next to my bag. I stuffed my underpants between the clothes so you can't see them.

I walk down the stairs and see that Samuel is just closing the front door.

'Where have you been?' I ask.

'I couldn't find anything in Sarah's bathroom, so I went to the store and bought some for you.'

'Aww, that's so sweet of you' I say with a smile and walk over to him.

Pov Samuel

I hand her a pack of tampons and she goes to the bathroom.

I take off my shoes and jacket, I hang up my jacket and take off my shirt, I like to walk around without a shirt on.

Bella comes back and I see she has put on a new shirt of mine, which makes me grin.

She looks so beautiful, her beautiful long legs, her cute yet beautiful face, her soft full lips, which I only want to feel on mine, her beautiful eyes that will hypnotize you, her beautiful long hair, which she has now tied up in a high bun.

Phew. I want to call her my girl so badly.

I admit it, I, Samuel Davis, am in love with Lexi Daniels.

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