Chapter 7

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Pov Lexi/Bella

Nervously I go to the door and ring the bell. I don't know why I'm so nervous.

A few seconds later the door is opened by

'Sarah?' I ask confused.

"Oh, you know my name," she says with a smile.

'Uhh yes' I say a little bit confused.

She smiles and says 'come in'

'Thank you, but I don't understand? You and Samuel?-'

'Yes, he is my brother'

I form an 'oh' with my lips and look around. That explains why she's here, imagine her and Samuel, that's just a no.

'You didn't expect that did you?' she says with a laugh.

'No, not really' I say with a laugh.

'We're twins, but I'm the nicer and older version of him' she says with a smile. 'Let's go to the others.'


Before I could say anything else, she pulls me into their big garden. And when I say big, it really is big! That's what she said, jokes.

And saying the "others" she meant Samuel, Aiden, Caleb and 2 more girls.

'Finally, look who came, got stuck on traffic huh?' says Aiden.

'Oh shut it'

'Are we going to start right away?' Caleb asks.

'Yes let's go' Samuel says.


Two hours later and we are almost done with our movie. It lasts thirty minutes and we still have to film the last part.

The film is about a girl (me) who used to be bullied all the time and 5 years later she goes on vacation and she 'meets' her high school crush (Sam) again, but he doesn't recognize her anymore, he invites her to his house and then they fall into the pool and kiss. That's how it ends. But I don't agree with that kissing.

Now the girls and I are in the kitchen pouring drinks. Aiden's girlfriend is called Katy and Caleb's girlfriend is called Lucia. They're pretty nice.

'So Bella, that kiss scene with Sam in a bit' Lucia says as she raises and lowers her eyebrows.

I give her a deadly look that makes her laugh.

'You two are pretty good together, you're both mean, you're both nice in your own way, you're both beautiful, you're both strong, what more could you want, you're a perfect match' Sarah says.

'No, the two of us isn't going to happen' I say as I finish my glass of whiskey.

'Oh yeah, you already have a boyfriend, don't you? That guy Dean, he always rides with you and you guys are so close' Katy says.

I start laughing and after a while I stop again. 'He's my brother'

She forms an 'oh' with her lips and drinks her drink ashamed.

'Shall we go to the others?' says Lucia.

We nod and walk to the others.

The boys finish their drinks and Aiden and Caleb set up the cameras.

'And are you excited for it babe?' Samuel suddenly whispers in my ear, giving me goosebumps.

'No not really' I say as I look at him angrily.

'You're cute when you're angry' he says with a grin.

'Oh shut your mouth fuckboy'

'Bella! Sam! We can start!' Aiden yells from across the pool.

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