Chapter 35

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I walk to the lobby, where the rest of the classes are. I sit down and sit behind my phone. We're going to another boring museum and after 2 PM we can do what we want.

I am wearing black high waisted shorts with a black shirt with a middle finger on it, the edges of which are white and the inside of the hand is black. you know what i mean? I tied my hair in a high bun.

'Bella Adams!' someone yells, causing everyone to immediately look in my direction. That was the voice of the bitchy biology teacher, I hate her so much. I walk over to her and look at her questioningly.

'What's this?!' she says, pointing to Ashley's arm wrapped in bandages.

'An arm' I answer dryly. 'You must know that, don't you? You teach about the human body'

'Excuse me? Are you going to be cheeky too?'

I look at her dryly and she says 'you broke her arm! That's forbidden!'

I laugh and say 'who told you that?'

'Don't act like you didn't break it bitch' Ashley says.

'Oh my god Ashley! Watch your language' I say fake in shock.

'Bella, you're staying in your room all day and you can't get out!' says the teacher angrily. 'You know what, someone is going to be watching you' she says and looks around the lobby.

Just at that moment Samuel really had to walk past us, when he was almost got next to his friends the teacher called him. 'Ah! Samuel! Would you like to come over?'

'No no no no no, I'm really not going to stay with him, I'm already sleeping with him in one room, isn't that enough?' I ask.

'You have nothing to want' says the teacher angrily.

'Ma'am, can't you call someone else?' Ashley asks jealously, which makes me laugh. She gives me a dirty look and rolls her eyes.

'Yes ma'am?' Samuel asks as he casually puts his hands in his pockets, which is so sexy. Focus Lexi, focus.

'Bella has been punished, she is not allowed to go to the museum, would you like to stay in the room with her, so that she does not leave her room?' the teacher asks sweetly, damn if you wanna suck his dick just say so.

Samuel looks at me and then nods 'yes, sure, I'll keep an eye on her'

'How lovely, thank you' she says with a smile and walks away.

I sigh and walk to the elevator. Samuel follows me and when we are in the elevator he asks 'why are you punished?'

'None of your business' I say and step out of the elevator, as soon as we are on the right floor.

He sighs and says 'Bella, how many times do I have to tell you? She kissed me!'

'Well, you went along nicely with it!' I shout angrily.

Startled, I put my hand on my mouth, why did I shout.

'Are you jealous?' he asks with a grin.

'No' I say and open the door to the room.

Samuel closes the door behind him and says 'my little Bella is jealous' he says with a grin and comes over to me. I walk more and more backwards and he walks more forwards, when I run into the wall I mumble shit, making Samuel grin.

He places his hands next to my head and I grab the piece of shirt by his waist with my hands.

'I'm not jealous' I say without looking at him.

'Say that again, but this time look at me'

I look into his eyes and I can't get a single word out, his eyes are so beautiful I get lost in them...

He grins and I look away again. 'Samuel, let me go'

'What if I don't?' he whispers in my ear, making me shiver.

I can't think of anything, so I look into Samuel's eyes, I'm shocked because his face is 1 cm away from mine. He smiles and kisses me, I immediately kiss back, I missed him so much. His soft full lips that touch mine, I would prefer never to take them off.

Samuel picks me up and puts me down on the bed, he comes to hang above me and kisses me further. I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him closer to me.

There's a knock on the door, but we ignore it, there's another knock on the door, and again we ignore it. Suddenly we hear that the door is being opened, causing Samuel and I to look at the door in shock, are you kidding me? The cleaning lady is here.

'Oh uhh I'm sorry, I'll be back later' says the red-headed cleaning lady and she closes the door behind her.

'Well, that was embarrassing' I say.


'Shall we go to the beach?'

If you walk to the dining room, which is outside, you can walk further and then you come to the pool and if you walk a little further you come to the beach, so it's not even a 2 minute walk.

'You can't leave the room' says Samuel.

I sigh and say 'are you seriously going to listen to that bitch?'

'I am her darling, when she sees us I am no longer that and then I can no longer use it'

'Please?' I ask with a pout. 'They won't be back until 2 pm, we can get back here around 1 pm?'

It's now 10 AM.

He sighs 'what do I get for it?' he asks with a grin.

'You're going to see me in a bikini, that's enough' I say.

'Okay, we're going'

I laugh and walk to the closet, I grab my black bikini and put it on in the toilet. On top I just put on the clothes from this morning. I untie my hair and comb it, let it hang and walk out of the toilet.

When I look at Samuel he has changed his pants into swimming trunks.

'You're looking sexy' he says with a wink.

I smile and say 'I just had this on'

'I know' he says with a smile.

I grab sunscreen and a towel and we walk to the beach.


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