Is it something I said?

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This chapter is dedicated to Storm98 for being the first one to vote for this book. Thank you so much!!!
The bell seemed to take its own sweet time before signifying the end of class. As soon the bell rang, the class began to empty. I was usually one of the first ones to leave, but today I wanted to speak to the geek. She took her time in packing up. I waited outside, ignoring all the people who were in a hurry to head home. I spotted her walking towards the lockers. I hadn't noticed her leaving the room.

"Hey history geek!" I called out. She did not respond, but kept walking. "Oi! Howard!" I screamed. That got her attention. She turned to look at me. I pushed past the crowd to reach her. "Howard. I needed to speak to you." She shrugged, as if to say go on. "Do you tutor for history?" She nodded. I noticed that she did not look at me. "I need help. Could you tutor me?" What did it take to make this kid open her mouth and speak. No such luck. She raised her eyebrows and nodded. "So, tomorrow I have third hour free. Good for you?" She shook her head and grimaced. This was crazy. "I'm sorry, are you mute or something? Why not third hour?" She whispered something I didn't catch. "What?" I said. "I can't do third hour. I have a chemistry class then. Is seventh free for you?" She said after clearing her throat. Seventh hour was track for me. I could skip for a day if I explained everything to the coach. "Sure. Could I borrow your notes from today?" I said. She handed me a notebook and began to walk away, but I fell into step with her. "So, are you new here?" I asked to break the awkward silence. She seemed to stiffen and when she spoke, her tone was stony. "I am most definitely not. Good day, Derek." She glared at me. She increased her pace and walked away.

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