The Dare.

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This chapter is dedicated to CrazyStupidLove1312 for voting for my previous story. Go check out their stories!! Also, this is where things get interesting, so brace yourselves.
    That night Leo and Jake came over to my place. Mother was very strict about alcohol, so we had to settle for getting a sugar rush. We were sitting in my room with three large bottles of Sprite- one for each of us. "So, Derek, what's the deal with the history nerd?" Jake asked me. "Nothing." I replied too quickly.  I took a large gulp of the sugary drink and the fizz hurt my throat.

    "Well, your history grades have improved. That means that whatever the nerd- Melissa" Leo amended seeing my glare, " Melissa is teaching you is working. Maybe she will tutor me and Jake as well. We need it." Leo said leaning against my bed. "Yeah. She can take us to her bedroom too!" Jake snickered. "Shut up!" I said louder than I intended too. "Fine. You win! Just leave Melissa alone!" I groaned. "Okay. Now that we have concluded that you have a soft spot for her, we need to work on confessing." Leo said.

   "What do you guys mean?" I asked. Leo and Jake were known to have the most elaborate plans which often failed. I hoped they weren't going to do anything to help me, they would only succeed in scaring Melissa away. "Really you guys, as much as you want to, I think I'll handle this alone." I said and gulped down a large amount of sprite. "Are you sure? I had this great plan involving a bouquet and violins, because Melissa looks like a lover of classic romance!" Leo moaned. "Nah, really, I'm good." I lied.

   "If you are as ready as you say,then tell her tonight." Jake challenged. "What?" I said incredulously. This was not happening. "Guys we aren't in middle school anymore! Grow up!" I said. They were starting to get on my nerves. "Jake's right. Tell her tonight." Leo said. "No. I won't. It's really late anyway, I would only disturb her." I replied. "Scared, Fields?" Jake smirked. "No." I said. "Then do it." Jake said.

   That was the limit. All the sugar I had consumed was pulsing through my veins and these boys had pushed me too far. I hoisted myself off the floor and said, "C'mon." "Where to?" Leo asked, pushing himself up. "We are going to Melissa's place." I replied. I grabbed the car keys and crept into the garage. The boys slipped into the backseat while I started the car. We sped off without my mother knowing. Hopefully, we would be back before she noticed our absence.

   Melissa's street was silent. There was a light in her living room and her bedroom. Apart from that, the house was dark. From the car, I could see her silhouette against her curtains. It was almost ten o'clock. Melissa seemed to be brushing her hair. Jake nudged me and we got out of the car. I saw her shut the lights off and climb into bed. "This is it. Go now." Leo whispered, making me jump.

   I nodded and climbed the large tree that was in her backyard. I figured that I could climb upto the ledge of the first floor and creep into her window, which she had fortunately left open. I could've just asked for her by knocking, but no one confesses their love in front of the parents, right?

   I managed to get onto the ledge without a problem. But as I attempted to shuffle towards her window, my foot slipped and I was hanging onto a pipe, hoping God would spare my life. Leo and Jake began to whisper encouragements and I pulled myself back onto the ledge. I reached her window and hesitated. Wouldn't this be a crime? I looked down at the boys who nodded and showed me the thumbs up, encouraging me to go on.

  I slipped into her room and looked at Melissa. She must be really quick to fall asleep, because it had taken me twenty minutes to come into her room. I noticed that she slept with her hair open. I also felt as creepy as that vampire dude who watched that girl while she was asleep. I pushed that thought away and looked at Melissa.

   She looked beautiful without her glasses. Her face was peaceful and she had a small smile on her lips. I frowned as some of her hair fell across her face. I cautiously sat on the edge of her bed and moved it away. In that process, my fingers brushed across her face and Melissa woke up. Damn.

   She propped herself on her elbows as she tried to figure out what happened. Then she saw me and was about to scream, so I put my hand across her mouth and put my finger to my lips. She relaxed a bit when she remembered who I was. She put on her glasses and said, "Derek, what are you doing here? Does your mom know you're not home?" I shook my head in response.

   "Oh my god! You sneaked out!" Melissa began to scold me in whispers but I couldn't concentrate. The moonlight seemed to enhance her features. Her hair looked black and her skin looked like snow. I licked my lips without realising it and I spotted the chain I had given her. It was still around her neck. I had to tell her.

   "Melissa, I came to tell you something." I managed to say. "What?" she asked me. "I-I's just that..." I trailed off. Melissa raised an eyebrow and nervously bit her lip. Chuck it, I thought.

   I placed my hand on her cheek and placed my lips over hers. She responded almost immediately. Before I realised it,we both were in the middle of a very passionate kiss. Her lips were soft and tasted like strawberries. Her hands were around my neck and I pulled her closer to me by wrapping my arm around her waist, my other arm entangled in her long hair. Our lips moved in sync and all that mattered in that moment was the girl I had in my arms. Eventually we had to surface for air. We were breathing deeply and I rested my forehead against hers. I suddenly remembered my friends who were waiting for me. "That's what I wanted to say." I whispered and got out through the window before she could say anything.

   I climbed down the tree and pulled Leo and Jake to the car. My face must have been flushed because the boys did not ask me anything. Jake simply patted my shoulder and said, "We're so proud of you sonny." We got home and luckily mother hadn't noticed our absence. We went to bed immediately. Leo and Jake fell asleep very quickly. I stayed up, pondering over the kiss. I had no idea how Melissa felt. I had no idea what would I say if she hated me for kissing her. I felt like a coward.

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