Extra II- Dizzie Relived

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Hi everyone! Here is the 100k special (or should I say 109k special) for FFTN! Thank you so much for supporting this story and giving me the opportunity to come back and write more for the characters I love so much! Here's to many more extra chapters! Love-D.

I'm in a big room which is behind a big hall which is in a big hotel. It's nerve wrecking. In approximately half an hour, I will be going out there- in front of at least a hundred people- to be officially wedded to Lizzie. I'm not scared about being married to Lizzie. I'm scared of all the people who are going to be watching us. They will watch us exchange vows and kiss- this seems like some legal stalking method. I'm rambling now. I nervously adjust my tie (which I still can't tie by myself. Lizzie spoils me) and stare at myself in the mirror. "You can do this." I say to myself, trying to sound confident but only managing a pathetic whisper. I clear my throat and try again. "You can do this!" I say, this time with a confident voice.

I hear a knock on the door and I open it to find dad standing outside. "Hey dad." I say and let him in. Dad comes into the room and takes a good look at my suit. "All okay?" I ask and dad laughs. "Yeah, you look okay." He placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. "Nervous?" Dad asks me as he sits down on one of the chairs. "Not at all." I lied, sitting next to him. Dad gave me a knowing look and handed me the parcel he was carrying. "Your mother and I found this when we were clearing out the basement after you moved to Chicago. Your mom wanted to gift it to you on your graduation day, but I convinced her to hold on to it. We both agree that this is the perfect time for you to have it." Dad said and kept it on my lap. "Thanks dad." I said. "You have twenty minutes before we pull you out and make you stand up there. Look at ages five to ten. Maybe it will help you get over your nervousness." Dad said knowingly and left the room.

I removed all the packing and was left with an album. I opened it. On the first page my mom had neatly written my full name and labelled it as 'Derek- ages 0 to five.' I went to next page which had baby pictures and other embarrassing stuff. I skipped to ages five to ten. The first picture was of me on my fifth birthday, grinning as I proudly displayed my missing front tooth. Next to me was a girl with messy brown hair that was braided. She smiled brightly at the camera, her purple spectacles clashing with her orange dress. A few pages later was a picture of me in my bedroom in the old house. I was building a fort with my Lego's while Melissa played with her stuffed toys next to it.

I started with the next page and Melissa wore glasses with pink frames now. I had gone for a crew cut that summer and my head looked ridiculously bigger than my body. It was Melissa's sixth birthday. I remembered that day. The theme was Disney princesses and I was the only boy invited. That did not deter me from wanting to attend, so mom asked what princess Melissa was dressing as (it was Jasmine, she was in her Aladdin phase). So mom and I went to the mall and bought me a tiger jumpsuit. So in the group photo, you had six Sleeping Beauties, three Cinderella's, two Snow Whites' and one Jasmine with Rajah next to her. A few pages later was a picture of me, Lizzie and an eleven year old Remy with Mickey Mouse at Disneyland.

Dad was right. The album had really helped me cut down on my nervousness. That's why when Mike, Jake and Leo came to the room to take me to the hall, I didn't have to ask them for a pep talk. I only took a deep breath and made sure that my tie was straight before following my best men to the hall. I stood in front of at least two hundred people (family, friends and friends of friends) and continued to calm myself by taking deep breaths. Everyone's eyes were on me and I prayed for the ceremony to start so that I could share the attention. The music started and the doors opened. Robert and Daphne walked down the aisle. Daphne scattered flowers from her little basket and Robert very carefully guided his hyperactive little sister down the aisle. Everyone 'awwed' as Daphne twirled around in her frilly pink dress before following her brother to the seats.

Next came the bridesmaids, which included Louisa (Lizzie's cousin) along with Amber and Gwen (who had flown down for the occasion from Paris and Perth respectively). Then came Remy, who was the maid of honour. Then, Mr.Harold held his daughters hand and guided her down the aisle. Melissa looked stunning. I usually never cared about what she wore she always looked beautiful, but today her gown made her look like an angel on earth. She was glowing and the smile she gave me when she reached the stand was like nothing I had ever seen before. I felt my heart lift when she stepped up to stand beside me. I held her hand as the priest droned on. I never paid attention to the priest and that was the case in my own wedding too. I was too busy staring at Melissa. That's why when the priest asked me to recite my vows, I didn't hear him.

Melissa nudged me and I broke out of my reverie. "I'm sorry, I was busy staring at her. What are we doing?" I asked. I heard muffled laughs erupt all over the hall and Melissa blushed a bright red. The priest also smiled. "You may recite your vows." He said kindly. "Oh yeah." I cleared my throat and took both both her hands in mine and began to speak,

"Melissa, you have been my best friend, mentor, confidant and my constant companion. I promise to love you and cherish every moment with you. I will protect you with all I have and will always be there to support and encourage you. I will be your biggest fan and will be there to comfort you when you're sad. I will put our happiness above everything else. I will be yours in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, in failure and in triumph. I love you, now and I will forever." I could see the tears glistening in Melissa's eyes. I felt myself literally float with happiness as she recited the vows to me and squeezed her hand when her voice broke on the last few words. When the priest asked, "Do you, Derek Fields, take Melissa Howard to be your lawfully wedded wife?" I couldn't say "I do" faster. The priest repeated the question to Melissa. "Do you, Melissa Howard, take Derek Fields to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do." Melissa said and the first tear escaped.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest announced and I wiped the tears away for Melissa before leaning to kiss her. The hall erupted with cheers and I kissed Melissa's forehead before holding her close. Mom and Diana were bawling shamelessly and Dad was watching me with a proud smile as he held mom. Mike and Remy joined my hug with Lizzie, successfully turning it into a sibling hug. The next fifteen minutes were a blur of hugs and congratulatory kisses (from my mom and Diana). 

When Melissa and I were finally alone, I kissed her again, not being able to process the fact that she was actually my wife. "So, Mr.Fields, how do you plan to celebrate tonight?" Melissa asked me. "I don't know. Wanna experiment?" I asked and she laughed out loud. "Did I tell you that you that you look gorgeous?" I asked. "Just five times." Melissa replied. She rested her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around her. "I love you Lizzie Fields." "And I love you, Derek." She whispered. At that moment, I couldn't have been happier.

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