Melissa meets the clowns.

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    On Monday at school, Melissa came to me before class and said, "You are being extremely rude, you know?" "What?" I said surprised. I had kissed her this morning. "I'm not. I've totally spoken to you today." I shut my locker and Melissa walked with me. "No, not like that. I mean, you have literally announced to the whole world that I'm your girlfriend and you also took me out on a dream first date, but I still haven't met your friends." Melissa accused, walking backwards. "I saw you talking to Leo the other day. I thought you knew him." I said. "No. I knew him because I've seen you with him. I really don't know him, you know, as a friend." she said gesturing with her hands. "Okay." I said slowly. "I'll introduce you to Leo and Jake at lunch." Melissa kissed my cheek and headed for her English class.

     I set course for math, and Jake and Leo caught up with me. Math was the only class we had together, which wasn't a good idea for our grades. "So. When are you gonna stop hogging your girlfriend, dude?" Jake asked as he slapped my back. "What do you mean? She's my girlfriend." I said confused. "Yeah. What Jake meant is, when do we officially meet her?" Leo said. I made a weird face at him and said, "How long have you been talking to Melissa?" "I haven't been talking to Melissa." Leo said and he raised his arms in surrender. "Why?" Jake asked. "Because she, too, asked to be introduced to you guys." I replied. "Awesome. So that means we'll meet her at lunch! Am I right or am I right?" Jake shouted. "Yup. You're right. I'm gonna get into class now." I said. I shot both of them a suspicious look and got into class just as the teacher got in.

    I found it weird that both of them would ask to be introduced on the same day, but I brushed it off as a coincidence. At lunch, Melissa stopped over at my table. "Melissa, this is Leo and Jake. Leo and Jake, this is my girlfriend, Melissa. Shake hands kids." I said. Melissa smiled and shook hands with Leo and Jake. "So Melissa, you wanna sit with us today?" Jake asked. "I would love, but I still need to go get my assignments from a few teachers. So I'm gonna have to skip lunch today." Melissa shrugged. "Derek can do that for you!" Jake pouted. I glared at him. "Do you have to meet Ms.Gupta?" Leo asked. Melissa nodded. "Then do you mind if I come with you? I need to hand in my last assignment and maybe she won't kill me if you're there." Leo said. "Of course!" Melissa said and they headed out. Leo grabbed his bag and they left the table. "Just you and me, then." I muttered to Jake. "Umm, no. I just remembered! I need to hand in a paper to Nelson. See ya!" Jake said and ran after Leo and Melissa. I spent lunch alone.

   I saw Jake at his locker after lunch. I walked towards him and cornered him. "Jake. Is there something you need to tell me?" I growled. I had no idea why, but I was getting jealous at the amount of time Jake and Leo were spending with Melissa. They just met her today! Jake glanced around and screamed, "Melissa! Help!" Melissa, who was talking to girl named Andrea, frowned and came up to us. "What is wrong with you Derek?" Melissa said and pulled me by my arm. She pulled me to a secluded corner of the staircase, folded her arms and scowled at me. "What is it?" she asked sternly. "I am jealous of the amount of time you're spending with those two. It's not fair. You hardly looked at me today." I complained like a kid. Melissa's face softened. "Is that it?" Melissa asked and I nodded. "I want you to come shopping with me today. After school. Can you?" Melissa asked hesitantly. I shrugged and agreed. She pecked my cheeks and was about to leave, but I pulled her back for a real kiss after which we headed to history together.
A/N: Yasss!! I'm back!! First of all, thank you guys so much for helping FFTN cross 1000 reads! It means a lot to me, it's my first story that has achieved such a large number of reads. I love all of you for this.
    Yes, Leo, Jake and Melissa are up to something. I'm having so much fun writing this new angle! It wasn't a part of the original story. My friend suggested this twist and seemed like a good idea, so I've been spending this one week figuring out how I could fit it in. Keep voting and commenting cuz I love knowing what you think!!
Lots of love-D.

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