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Melissa came by my place at 4 pm that day. She took me to the town centre and parked outside a boutique. "Why are we at a boutique?" I asked Melissa. "I need a dress for the prom." Melissa replied. I looked at her, feeling a bit creeped out. "Prom has another four months." I said. "I know, Derek. It's a girl thing." Melissa sighed. "Why would you buy a dress four months in advance?" I nearly screamed. "So that...just stop questioning me, Derek. Go watch 'Mean Girls'." Melissa huffed and she pulled me into the store.

Inside, a young lady greeted us. "Hello Grace. How are you?" Melissa asked her and she replied that she had been doing well. "So you want to look at our newest collection Ms.Howard?" Grace asked. "Umm, actually, could we look at the tuxes first?" Melissa said and I was shocked. I pulled her away from Grace, who was leading us to the tuxes, and whispered, "Why are we looking at tuxes?" I had no idea why, but I felt a surge of dread. Why would someone shop for prom four months in advance? "Derek, just go with it. I know what I'm doing." Melissa said in a soothing voice. She patted my hand and lead me to where Grace was waiting for us.

Over a period of two hours and thirty minutes, I was made to try 15 suits, 11 blazers, 5 trousers, over a 20 shirts. I was also stuffed into a lot of the above mentioned clothing pieces for a second time, so that they could, I quote, see different colour combinations, unquote. I felt like a doll. No wonder models sometimes get into drugs and stuff. This is draining! I felt exhausted and breathless because Grace made me try these skin-fit shirts, which basically clung on to your body tighter than a thousand leeches. Then Melissa got Grace to show us their collection of ties, which was equally boring. Then I had to choose a pair of shoes. I'm not going to complain about that, because choosing shoes was fun. As soon as Melissa announced we were done with my shopping, I collapsed into a seat. I guess Melissa noticed how tired I was, because she said it was enough of shopping for one day. "What about your dress?" I asked her. "You know, I'll do that some other day with Amy. You look like you're ready to drop." Melissa smiled at me. She told Grace to keep our final choices aside and we left.

"How much did that stuff cost?" I asked her once we were in the car. "Not much. And really Dee, you don't need to pay me back. Just consider it a gift from me to you." Melissa replied. Which reminds me. I, Derek Fields will be turning seventeen in two weeks time. No, I did not forget my birthday. I just don't like to make a big deal about it because people tend to turn my birthday celebration into a chance to have another party. And the funny thing is, the party will no longer be about my birthday! So I just keep it to myself. And to the people who wish me. Which includes mom, dad, extended family, Jake and Leo. Pretty cool, huh?

"Thanks Liz." I said and sneaked a kiss onto her cheek. "Derek! I'm driving!" Melissa squealed. I laughed at her and gently tugged at her hair.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Melissa pulled over at my house. "So, you wanna stay for a while?" I asked her, already wrapping my hands around her waist. I kissed her jaw and slowly moved up to her lips. I began to deepen the kiss when Melissa gently pushed me off. "I'm sorry Derek. I need to get home early tonight. Some other time, I promise." she said. I felt a bit disappointed that she couldn't stay with me longer, but I brushed it off. "Sure. See you later." I said. She gave me a small kiss and I stood and watched as she drove away. Once I couldn't see her anymore, I went inside. The house was dark, mom wasn't home yet. That usually meant that I was free to invite the guys over. I dialed Jake, but my call was immediately sent to voicemail. I tried calling Leo. I kept waiting for him to pick up. I was about to cut the call, when he answered. "Sup, D?" "Hey, mom's not home yet. Wanna come over and hang out?" I asked. "Sorry man. Amelia's* come over with her husband. We're going out to dinner in a while." Leo answered. "Oh. It's ok. I'll just find something to do. Have fun man." I hung up and sat on the kitchen counter. For some weird reason, I was feeling extremely lonely that day.
A/N: Poor Derek! This is a rather sad ending, I realise. But Derek is in for a bit more loneliness in the upcoming days.
*Amelia- for those of you who haven't read my previous story 'My Bully, My Neighbour', Amelia is Leo's half-sister from his father's first marriage.
BTW, if you are interested, you could just go read 'My Bully, My Neighbour' while you're at it. You learn a lot about Leo! Who doesn't want that?! And the story is complete! That's two good things!
*I'm done advertising myself*
Anyway, see you guys in a couple days with the next chapter of FFTN.
Lot's of love-D.

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