Derek's Birthday

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   Hey everyone! This chapter is a celebration cuz this story has reached 1.5 K reads. It's a continuation of the previous chapter, just that this is from Melissa's point of view. Enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment!

    There. I did it. I sent Derek the note asking him to come over after school. I glanced over my shoulder and he nodded at me, his face brightening a little. I smiled at that and faced forward. It hadn't been easy, to avoid Derek for almost two weeks. In fact, it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, seeing the fact that he was my boyfriend. The type of boyfriend who knows the importance of staying in touch. I had missed spending time with him. But it had to be done, otherwise I would've ruined the plan. Roping in Leo and Jake had been easy. They were extremely sweet and had gone the extra mile to make me comfortable around them (seeing that I'm a bit socially awkward).

    The sound of the bell broke my chain of thoughts and I packed my books into my bag. I took my time. By the time I walked out of the class, Derek was waiting for me. "Hey you." I said as I hugged him. He didn't reply, instead, he held me by the waist and buried his face into my shoulder. "I've missed you." Derek whispered against my neck, making me shiver. "Yeah. Me too. But I'm sorry, there was a lot to do. You get it, right?" I asked, breaking the hug, but keeping my arms around his neck. "Yeah. I get it." Derek sounded a sadder than before. I understood that it was because I hadn't wished him a happy birthday. But I couldn't ruin the plan. Not now.

    "You want to come home with me or you'll drive yourself?" I asked him as we walked together towards my locker. Derek ruffled his hair, making it messed up. It took every bit of self control to stop myself from smoothing his hair out. "Nah. I wanna drop my bag and stuff. I'll drive myself." he answered. I tied my hair into a bun using a flashy band I happened to have in my locker. "Alright then. I'll see you at my place. Have fun." I hated to act so indifferent, but I placed a tiny kiss on his lips and ran away as fast as I could without looking like a weirdo.

    The moment school ended, I ran to my van and drove home as fast as I could. My room was a pigsty. If a stranger entered my room at that moment, he would think that the room was occupied by a group of hooligans and not a proper teenage girl. I picked up all the random dresses I had removed that morning and shoved them into the back of my closet. All my text books were hastily squeezed into random drawers and my novels were placed back on to their shelves with immense care. Then I changed into my favorite Garfield t-shirt and denim shorts and focused on finishing my homework before Derek arrived. Now, I'm not quite as huge a nerd as people think. I do procrastinate a lot. And I'm not particularly fond of math. But I find it easy to grasp concepts, which makes it easy for me to remember stuff which, you know, leads to good grades. I was so focused on my physics numericals, that I never heard Derek's car stop outside. I lost concentration when Derek placed his chin on ny shoulder and blew into my ear.

    "Derek! Why would you do that?" I shrieked. "Because it's funny!" Derek replied. "What are we doing now?" he asked. I frowned at him and pulled out a package from under my bed. He took it and opened it, finding a black suit. "You want me to wear this?" Derek asked me, raising his eyebrows. I nodded the affirmative. Before I could cover my eyes, he pulled his t-shirt over his head. I couldn't help but stare at him. He did not have any huge muscles or anything, Derek is on the skinny side that way, but his body was toned and proportionate. He turned to put the shirt on, and I mentally scolded myself. I turned until Derek told me it was safe to look again. The suit fit him perfectly. It made his shoulders look broader and made him look older, more mature. "I don't know how to put this on, though." Derek said and he handed me the tie, which was maroon in color. I stepped up to him and pulled up his collar. "So, this is what you want me to wear to the prom Melissa?" I could sense the apprehension in his voice. I answered only after I finished straightening his tie. "No, I want you to wear this tonight." I answered and I looked up at him. He gave me a questioning look and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Happy birthday, Derek. We're having a party." I said and he grinned at me. He held me by the waist and bent down to kiss me.

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