The End of High School.

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             One week later, I had recovered from the flu. I sat with Melissa and the rest of the gang in Melissa's kitchen, exchanging news as to where we were accepted.
            Leo was heading to NYU, where he was going to study business. Jake was going to Manhattan to live with his aunt while he studied with Leo at NYU. Amber was going to Canada, where she had been offered a modeling deal for a weekly magazine. She hoped it would be start of her modelling career. Gwen was moving to Australia with her family. She had submitted her application to UNSW (University of South Wales) and was waiting for a reply. Melissa was going to Chicago to study medicine. Me? I was yet to tell them where I was going.
               "C'mon Derek. No more suspense. We need to know of our OTP will be studying together!" Gwen said. I looked down at the envelope in my hands. The crest of Chicago University was printed in one corner. I had received it in the morning. Mom had left early to go to work because she had taken a day off when I was flying home. "Go on Derek. Let's see." Melissa urged. "Yeah, even if you don't get in, you can come to New York with us." Jake said encouragingly. "I can't." I said and the others groaned. "How about you open it and I read out what's written?" Leo suggested. "Yeah. Alright. " I said. I took a deep breathe, shut my eyes and pulled open the envelope. Leo took out the letter and began to read while the rest struggled to read over his shoulder. I looked at him. His eyes were wide open as he stared at me. I began to feel more worried and my heart began to beat faster. I could feel my heartbeat upto my ears as Melissa asked for the letter.
               Melissa read it and shrieked, almost harming my ears. Gwen and Amber read it over her shoulder and they joined in. "You are going to Chicago!" Amber screamed and Melissa hugged me tight. I couldn't believe it. Relief rushed through my veins and I lifted Melissa off the ground and twirled her. "Oh my god! We're going to Chicago together!" Melissa said and everyone jumped in for a huge group hug. "Woah! Woah dude!" Jake screamed as he jumped on me, almost making me fall on my backside. Leo pulled him off and tackled me in a bro hug.
          "Congratulations man!" Leo said and he thumped my back hard. I gave Gwen and Amber a hug before remembering that I had to call mom and dad and let them know.
               I left the others in the kitchen and went outside to call mom. "The office of Mrs.Fields, how may I help you?" Jane, my mom's secretary answered the phone. "Jane! I need to talk to mom now!" I said breathlessly. "Hello Derek. I'm sorry but your mom is in a discussion with some important looking men. What is this about?" Jane asked. "Yeah, I got into Chicago Uni. I need to tell her! Please Jane, couldn't you call her out?" I pleaded. "Maybe I could get her in the phone for a minute. Hold on, I'll transfer you." Jane said and the line went silent for a few seconds as she transfered me. "Derek! What did they say?" Mom asked as soon as she picked up the phone. "I got in!" I shouted and began to jump out of excitement. "Oh my god! I'm so happy for you sweetie!" Mom said and she began to laugh. "Wow. Did you call dad yet? He would want to hear it from you." Mom said. "Yeah I'm calling him now." I said and mom sighed. "I am so proud of you, you to know that?" Mom said and I said, "Yeah. I know. I'll call dad, okay? See you in the evening." I cut the call and dialled my dad's number, hoping he would be able to answer.
                The phone kept ringing. Just when I was about to hung up, my dad answered. "Hello." Dad said in his deep voice. "Hey dad." I said and I immediately heard his voice become happier. "Derek! How are you son?" Dad asked. "Good. I just got into Chicago University." I said. "Well done! So you and Melissa can stay together now." Dad said and I laughed. "Yeah we can. I'm glad we can." I answered. "I'm sorry I'm not there right now. I wanted to be there when you graduated." Dad said in an upset tone. "Hey, it's okay. I understand. But are you coming home anytime soon? I miss you." I said. "I will be home at the end of the month. I've told the board that I've missed enough of your life. I want to be there for you now, to help with the shifting. Also, I miss your mom, so I've convinced the board to let me take a hike until the end of the year." Dad said and I smiled. "That means we could go for the Yankees game." I said. "Yeah. Just you and me. Like old times." Dad said and I smiled. "So, I'll see you soon dad." I said. "Yeah. See you soon son. Bye." Dad said. "Bye." I replied and ended the call.
              At that moment Melissa came out and hugged me from the back, resting her chin in my shoulder. "Everything okay?" Melissa asked. "Okay? Everything's brilliant!" I answered and I turned so that I was facing her. I placed my hands on her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck. "So do you wanna be my roommate at Chicago?" Melissa asked me with a mischievous smile on her face. "Yes ma'am." I answered before I bent down to kiss her.
Everything had turned out to be okay.

A/N: And that was the last chapter of Falling For the Nerd! My god! I can't believe it's the end of another book! I enjoyed writing this book so much, because Derek was the boyfriend I never had. If I were to choose a story as my love story, it would be this one.
I will be uploading one more chapter, which will be an epilogue. It will be set way into the future, that is after Leo gets married to his future girlfriend, Aria. And I thought, for fun, why not have it in Melissa POV?
On a different note, I am already working on my next book. I hope all you will read that too and continue to support me and my stories.
So let me know what you thought. Don't forget to comment and vote!
Lots of love- D

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