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   As soon as mom left the room, I picked up my phone and called Leo. "What?" he asked in lieu of answering. "I need your help to plan my date with Melissa." I urgently. "Hold on. I'll get Jake on." Leo said and the line was silent for a while. "Yo! Waddup mah boys!" Jake was a morning person like me, but he was also supremely annoying in the mornings. "D needs help in planning his date with Melissa." Leo explained. "Ah. Leo, the moment has come. D, just give us a few seconds." Jake said. "What-" I was cut off by Jake's voice.
Is this the little boy I carried?
When did he grow to be so tall?
Wasn't it yesterday when he was small...
   Leo joined Jake as the sang the song from Lion King 3 and I massaged my temples.
Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset

  They sang in fake voices, forcing their voices to tremble now and then. "That is enough, you guys. Can we get to the matted at hand?" I asked. "Yeah. Sure. Jake, what do you suggest?" Leo said getting serious. "You could take her out for dinner?" Jake suggested. "No. Too common." I said. "Take her to a football game?" "So that I can ignore her the whole time?" I cut that down. "Take her for a movie." "Same difference. We'll be watching the movie and communication will be nil." I said.

"I know!" Leo screamed. "You can take Melissa ice skating!" For a second, everyone was silent. "Are you DEMENTED?" Jake shouted. "It is common knowledge that Derek cannot skate to save his life!" "Hey! I can stand on the ice!" I protested.

    "Exactly." Leo ignored me. "Melissa will have to teach him how to skate. It is sports as well as communication. It's perfect!" "This is like some romance movie gone wrong. Derek, the damsel in distress on ice. I like that." "Yeah, it's perfect." I agreed, ignoring Jake's diss.

   I ended the call. I got the initial nudge that I required to plan a fun date. But first I needed to know if Melissa would be willing to go on a date with me. I dialed her number and suddenly ended it. I needed this to be a success. So I decided to ask her out with a grand gesture.

    I headed to school. I avoided Melissa the whole day. I wanted to ask her to go on a date with me first thing after I met her. Unfortunately, I did not have the flowers, so I couldn't talk to her. I noticed her talking to Leo who gave her a sympathetic look. She was asking about my weird behavior. Damn.

   The moment school ended, I ran to the nearest florist and purchased a bunch of white flowers. Then I rushed home and changed my sweaty clothes. I grabbed a duffel bag and drove to Melissa's place. It was time for the grand gesture.

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