How do you expect me to do this?

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            "Yes." Mom sighed. I looked at Melissa and she looked shocked. "Mum, don't you trust us? You know that we are ambitious and we know how important these exams are, why would you make us go through this?" Melissa ranted. Diana shook her head. "Melissa, please don't ask me to explain this to you. I have already told you that I love having Derek over and that I'm glad you have someone like him to support you and I'm sure Emily feels the same way, but right now, you have got to stay away from each other." Diana explained. "But-" Melissa started, only to be cut off by Diana. "I have spoken to Lea's parents. They said that they would love to have you over for the rest of the week and they're expecting you in a couple of hours. It would do you good if you started packing your things now, young lady." Diana said sternly. Melissa looked towards me and I could tell that she felt as hopeless as I did. Then it struck me. I couldn't stop her from leaving, but I could delay it.

         "Diana, does she have to leave, like, now?" I asked her. "Derek, they are expecting her to be in time for dinner." Diana said. "I understand, but mom has already made dinner for three, so she could spend the night here and mom could drop her off in the morning." I reasoned and crossed my fingers behind my back. I looked at mom, silently pleading her to let Melissa stay here for the night. Mom said to Diana, "Really, I don't mind having her here. And I'll personally drop her to her friends house tomorrow." "Fine." Diana said. "Liz, honey, promise me you both will listen to us and respect our decision." "We will mum." Melissa replied and I nodded. We said goodbye and mom cut the call. Melissa slipped her hand into mine and squeezed it, silently thanking me. I squeezed her palm in reply. "Well, what plan did you two have today?" Mom asked us. "We need to make a time-table for our studies and since I am no longer allowed to tutor him, we need to work out how we will sort out our doubts and stuff." Melissa said to mom. "Okay then. You two run along. I have some calls to make." Mom said.

            Without waiting for mom to say anything else, I pulled Melissa with me and led her upto my room. Melissa entered the room first and said, "Okay, so first we draw up your time-table and you need to honestly-" I did not let her finish. I shut the door behind me and pulled her into a kiss. I kissed her like I wasn't going to kiss her for months, which was the case. Melissa broke the kiss and said, "Derek, we don't have time." "Exactly." I whispered and kissed her again. I held her by her waist, pulling her closer and closer until it was impossible to move closer. I wanted to remember every inch of her, the way she moved, the way she felt in my arms and the smell of her hair, which I loved playing with. Surviving two months without this was starting to seem impossible.

              At that moment, the doorknob rattled. "Derek?" mom  called out. "Why is your door locked?" Melissa looked frightened, but I was perfectly annoyed. "Because I'm in here with my girlfriend who I won't be allowed to talk to or meet for two months. Do you mind?" I shouted back, not letting go of Melissa. Silence. "Alright. You can carry on. Lunch is on the table when you two get hungry." Mom said and I could here the laughter in her voice. Melissa blushed deep red, and I realised what my mom was picturing. I swore under my breath and faced away from Melissa, hiding my face. Melissa started laughing uncontrollably. From a distance, mom said something that sounded a lot like Be safe! and I groaned. "Derek, I'm sorry!" Melissa said, still laughing so hard, that she had to hold her stomach. I gave her a look and she stood straight and tried to stop laughing. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed. Sorry." Melissa said and she hugged me. I couldn't help but crack a smile. I hugged her back.

                 "You'll sleep here, with me tonight?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't get the wrong idea. Melissa lightly slapped my shoulder and said, "Of course I will! I'll come in even if you don't want me to." she said with a superior tone. "Now, getting back to the time-table..." After organizing our plans, we headed downstairs for lunch, which was pasta in white sauce. Then we did maths for a while, because we both were weak in it. And then we stopped, because we both were weak in it. We played Monopoly until dinner. The game just refused to end. Then mom took us out for dinner to this place with amazing Chinese food. As the sky grew darker, I wished I could rewind the entire day and relive it. I was dreading waking up tomorrow and finding the bed next to me empty.

                "Goodnight, Derek. Goodnight Melissa." Mom said as we headed to our rooms. "Goodnight!" Melissa said to my mom and she shut my bedroom door after coming in. "Are you okay?" she asked me. I was sitting on my bed, just watching her. I shook my head in response and held out my arms, like a child wanting a hug. Melissa came close and stood between in front of me and held me close, my head resting against her abdomen. "I really don't want today to end." I said against her stomach. "Me too." Melissa answered sadly. She bent and kissed the top of my head. "C'mon. Aren't you gonna change for bed?" Melissa asked and I got up to change.

                  After slipping into a blue T-shirt and my favorite cotton shorts, I jumped onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. My musings were interrupted when I felt my bed dip on one side. Melissa was sitting there, brushing her long brown hair. "What?" she asked me when she caught me staring. "Nothing." I said looked at the ceiling again. Melissa pulled up her hair into a bun and crawled next to me. "Really, why are you so blue?" Melissa asked, laying her hand across my chest. "Why? Doesn't our parents stunt hurt you? Doesn't it mean anything?" I sat up and demanded. Melissa crossed her legs and said, "Of course it does!  But Derek they're doing this for us. And yes, I know that it's a pathetic excuse but these two months are going to be even harder if we leave on such a bitter note. I don't want it to feel like this is the last time we're meeting! I don't want it to feel like we might find someone to substitute each other, I just don't want to act like it's the end of us!" Melissa's voice broke and I felt awful for ruining everything. I could tell that Melissa was close to tears, so I moved closer to her and hugged her. She did not cry, but she stayed in my arms for a long time, perfectly silent. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scream at you." I said, breaking the silence. "It's ok." Melissa replied.

                    We talked for a while, and suddenly Melissa asked me, "Derek, do you mind if I borrow your hoodie?" "Sure. For what?" I asked, unsure what she was heading towards. "For two months." Melissa said. I smiled. "Of course. But I need something in return." "What's that?" Melissa asked. I whispered it into her ear and she smacked my arm. "Ow! That hurt!" I protested. "I'm glad it hurt. You shouldn't have asked for it." Melissa glared. "It's an honest request!" I said. "It is not! What you're asking for, I need it everyday." Melissa said. She was genuinly outraged and I laughed. "Joking. That's not what I want, though I might steal some someday. Give me your scarf then." I said laughing at her red face. "Fine. Gosh! You have knack for embarassing me!" Melissa said and lay down. "Good night Derek." Melissa said. "'Night Lizzie." I said as lay down next to her and pulled the covers over us. Melissa switched off the lights and I drifted off to sleep with her in my arms.

A/N: Hey you guys! Unfortunately, Derek and Melissa will have to maintain their distance for two months. Luckily for us, two months count as one chapter! I will try to upload as much as I can before next Wednesday, because I will be going to the mountains for a holiday and I'm not sure if I will have time to upload.

   In the meantime, do vote and comment because I love knowing you guys thought about whatever happened in the chapter. Also, I was hoping you guys could help me spread the word about this book.  Help us cross 2K reads, maybe?

Lots of love-D  :)

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