I have to ask her out?

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    Last night, Melissa and I helped mom with the lasagna. We spoke about school and colleges. I was extremely bored, so I went to bed while the ladies continued to chat. I think they slept very late, because I was the only one awake at ten am.

     I was having some cereal when Melissa walked into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. "Good morning" I said to her. She grunted in reply. "What? Are you not a morning person?" I asked. She merely glared at me and held up a cup, asking for coffee. I poured some coffee into her mug and she gulped it down like it was a shot of alcohol. "Melissa? That was piping hot. Did you burn your tongue?" I asked concerned. "Pour me some more." Melissa stated. I did as she asked and this time, she sipped on it. "So, what were you both talking about last night?" I asked her. "Nothing much. School, college, exams, you." she trailed off and sipped her coffee. "You were talking about me?" I asked, surprised. "Amongst other things, yes." she said.

    I eyed her suspiciously and Melissa's phone rang. "Hello." she answered grumpily. "Yeah mom. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Got it. Yeah. I will. I will! Mom I gotta go. I will do it mom, please don't nag. Yeah. Bye." Melissa cut the call and set her phone on the counter. "Mom is coming to pick me up in a while. I need to get changed for school." she said. "You don't need to go home for that! You're books are in your locker and you can shower here and-" "Wear your mom's clothes to school?" Melissa cut me off. I sighed. She needed to leave. "Are you always this grumpy in the morning? I mean, it's the start of a new day, new opportunities, why would you face it with such a grumpy face?" I asked. To be honest, I was a morning person. I was most happy and optimistic in the mornings.

   Melissa sighed and said, "Some people can't help but hate the mornings, Derek." "Can I help you love this morning?" I grinned cheekily. "Derek." Melissa said in a warning tone. I leaned across the counter and pecked her lips. Melissa couldn't help but smile when I pulled away. At that moment, a car horned loudly. "That must be my mom. I'll see you at school Derek." I squeezed her hand and she left, pausing to bid my mother goodbye.

    "She's a lovely girl, isn't she Derek?" Mom asked. "Yeah. She's amazing."I replied without thinking. "So are you two dating? Because I totally don't mind you both being together." Mom ventured further. I understood that mom wasn't going to back off, so I told her about everything. Borrowing Melissa's notebook, the tutoring, sneaking into her bedroom and kissing her, Remy's wedding. I left out the bit about Anneliese though. When I finished, mom said, "This is so cute Derek! So when are you taking her out on a date?" "What do you mean? We are not a cliche' couple mom. Why would I take her out on a date?" It seemed like an awful idea.

    "Because, every girl loves to be taken out by a guy she likes. Please don't tell me you were never going to ask her. If that was your plan, I am extremely disappointed in you. I did not raise you to be void of romatic common sense." Mom said sternly.

   With that, mom left the kitchen, leaving me alone. I, apparently, had a date to plan.
A/N: I'm back!! You guys are so amazing! We got FFTN to cross 600 reads in less than 3 weeks and I feel so lucky to have such amazing readers. For Author-L Charlie___Brown and keira_star, you guys have been voting and commenting regularly and I cannot thank you enough for that. To you other readers, even though you are silent, you have played a very important role and I love you for reading so far. I am starting to get emotional, so I'm gonna stop now.
    I love each and every one of you. Thank you so much! Virtual hugs and cookies to everyone!!
     Tell me what you would like to see on Derissa's first date!!
Lots of love-D.

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