The Grand Gesture

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   As I drove to Melissa's house, I was a bundle of nerves. What if she hates me for ignoring her? What if she only likes me as a friend? What if she says no? The possibilities were endless and I had turn on the radio to distract myself. I parked the car in front of my old house and knocked on Melissa's front door.

    Diana opened the door and seemed surprised to see me there. "Is Melissa home?" I asked nervously. I tightened my grip on the strap of the duffel bag. "Yeah. She is. Would you like me to send her out?" Diana asked. "Yeah. That would be great." I replied.

    After a while, Melissa came out and stood hugging herself. "Why are you here?" she asked me in a tired tone. "To apologize for ignoring you today. And I needed to ask you something." I said. She invited me into the kitchen, where she leaned against the counter. "Why were you ignoring me?" Melissa asked. "Because I didn't have the flowers." I said and realised that I sounded really lame. I motioned for her to wait and got out the flowers from the duffel bag. I bent on one knee and said, "Melissa, will you please come out on a date with me this Saturday?" Melissa was silent. Then she smiled and took the flowers, accepting the request.

   "Great. We have packing to do." I grabbed the bag and took Melissa's hand and guided her to her room. "Why do we need to pack?" Melissa asked. "Because the entire plan is a surprise and if I tell you what to wear, it might ruin it." I kissed her once and said, "Which jacket is the best?" She had three jackets in her wardrobe. She handed me a thick, red one. "Okay. I need you to pack a change of clothes. Including, you know, underclothes?" That was awkward. Melissa looked at me skeptically and packed what I asked her to. "And I need a hair dryer too. And a pair of fancy shoes." Melissa looked shocked as she packed a pair of nude heels.

   I nodded. "That's all. Thanks." "What are we doing that you need all this stuff?" Melissa asked. She seemed so surprised. "It's going to be a long day. That's all I can tell you. Bye Lizzie." I kissed her, enjoying the feeling of her lips on my own and went home, ignoring all her questions. She would know on Saturday.

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