Meeting the groom.

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Take a deep breath people... 
     Wednesday, Melissa dropped me home after an hour of tutoring. I needed to get

ready for dinner. My mother would be livid if I showed up for the occasion wearing sneakers and my faded jacket.

    Once I got home, I was forced into a navy blue suit with matching pants. I wore a white shirt underneath. Mom forced me to wear a tie that she bought. I didn't have a problem with that. It was the design on it that was scandalous. If anyone from school saw me wearing it, it was goodbye football team and hello to the pink princess club. The tie was red with tiny hearts on it. The red colour alternated between a deep maroon, bright red and nearing-pink shade of red.

I tried to protest, but my dad put it on, saying nothing but, "I understand son. But you can take it off once your mom has a couple of glasses." I let it slide. The drive to the Howards' was silent. I was sitting at the back with an enormous gift that mom had bought for the soon-to-be weds. I personally thought that it was an oronate vase, but mom kept insisting that it was not. She also had a smaller box, which was for Melissa. I had picked it out and hoped she would like it.

We arrived at their house and the door was opened by Diana. "Hi!" Diana squealed as she hugged mom. "Oh my god, it has been such a long time!" I was hugged by Diana, which wasn't as I awkward as I expected it to be. We exchanged pleasantries and stepped inside. In the living room, mom and dad hugged Remy. "Thank you. Everyone, I would like to introduce my soon-to-be husband, Micheal."

Micheal, or Mike, as he wanted to be called was really tall. He had tanned skin and an angular face. He shook hands with me and I was surprised by his strong grip. Mom gave Remy our gift, which turned out to be a goody bag- a polaroid camera and a photo album. "So that you can capture your early memories in physical pictures", mom said. Mike and Remy seemed genuinely touched by the gift. "Where's Melissa? I got her something too."said mom. "She returned late from her friends house, she's upstairs getting changed."said Diana as she set a tray of cookies before us.

"Melissa! Are you done yet?" Diana called out. We heard a muffled response and a thud, as if something fell. "Oh boy, I should go check on her." Remy said, but I beat her to it. "Don't worry. I'll check. You guys enjoy." I said and walked towards the stairs. I could feel Remy watch me as I climbed out of her sight.

I knocked on Melissa's door. "Oh thank god, Remy. You took your time. Zip me up will you?" said Melissa opening the door. Melissa stiffened when she saw it was me and not Remy. "Want some help, Lizzie?" I asked her. Her face grew red. "Could you send Remy up, please?"she asked. "Remy is a bit occupied, actually. I swear, I won't look. I'll shut my eyes and zip you up." I said. "With your eyes closed?" Melissa asked skeptically.

"Yeah. I have do it for mom when dad isn't home. I do it with my eyes closed." I said with my hands in my pockets. "Melissa!" We heard Diana call out annoyed. "Fine. Just hurry." Said Melissa and she turned around.

True to my word, I kept my eyes shut, but I couldn't help but notice that her skin was exceptionally smooth. I felt her shiver when my fingers accidentally brushed her skin, and I smiled to myself. The moment I secured her zip, Melissa walked to the end of the room and began to pull her hair into a neat bun. I watched, fascinated. It seemed impossibly that someone could tie up that amount of thick, brown hair, but she managed it. Only a few strands escaped, which framed her face in a gentle way. "I'm ready."she announced and stepped out of her room. "Nice tie."she said examining it. She looked like she was trying not to laugh and I mentally groaned.

We entered the living room and my parents stood up to greet her. My dad shook her hand while mum pulled her into a hug. "Look at you, all grown up. You are looking so pretty!" Mum said. I agreed.

Melissa was wearing a peach dress which had a flowy skirt. The neck was what my mom called a boat neck, which made her neck look long. Melissa blushed as mom handed her her present.

Before Melissa could unwrap it, Diana pushed the two of us outside, so that all the 'adults' could talk. Melissa beckoned to me and I followed her to a family swing in her backyard. "Was this here before?" I asked. "No. We got it a couple of years ago." Melissa replied. "Unwrap your present." I told her. "Okay, okay. Why are you so eager?" she asked. "Because I chose it." I said.

She smiled at me and began to unwrap her gift. She set the wrapping paper aside and opened the white box. There was the present I chose for her.

It was a small, delicate gold pendant with diamonds set on it in the shape of a dew drop which was hanging from a thin, gold chain. "Do you like it?" I asked her. I felt a bit worried, because all she had done was stare at it for the past couple of minutes. "It's beautiful." she said softly. "Are you sure I can keep this?" she asked. "Sure. We bought it for you." "Thank you, Derek." she said, giving me a small hug. I held, breathing in her scent. "I could put it on for you?" I said after she pulled away. "Sure. Thanks." Melissa said and for the second time that day, she turned around. I put the pendant for her and fastened the hook at the back. She looked beautiful. She thanked me one more time. I nodded, not being able to find any words to say how I felt.

We spent a couple of hours swinging and talking about life and school and other things. Soon, Remy came out to call us for dinner. Melissa showed her the pendant and Remy was amazed. "This is beautiful. I hope you tell Mike where to get one, otherwise I'll be pretty jealous of Liz, Derek." Remy said to me. "No problem." I said and looked at Melissa to see if she was coming inside. "Actually, I want to talk to Liz for a minute. Would you mind Derek?"said Remy. I shook my head and walked back inside.

I glanced outside. Remy said something to Melissa that made her blush. It looked like Melissa was going through some stuff. Melissa said something and shook her head. It seemed to be serious. Remy placed her hand on Melissa's shoulder and told her something. They both hugged and came inside. I could only help but wish I knew what they were talking about.

Melissa came inside, followed by Remy. My mom walked up to Melissa and asked her if she liked the gift. "It's really precious, ma'am. I loved it. Thank you so much." Melissa replied. "Don't take it off. These chains are called 'bonds' for a reason. You gift them to someone you love and respect." Mom said. Melissa's eyes widened, but she hid it with a smile.

Dinner flew by without any incident. Remy and Mike were all cuddly during dinner, which made me a bit nauseous, but I stopped a groan when I saw Melissa smiling at them. It was time to leave. We all thanked the Howard's for dinner and shook hands with Mike and Remy. I promised to be there at the wedding.

Before I left, Melissa pulled me in for a hug. "Thank you for the chain. I loved it." she whispered into my ear. "I'll get you everything in the world. Just ask for it." I whispered back. I spotted Melissa blushing. I smiled at her before I left.
A/N: this chapter is dedicated to MoonlightShadows because I love her story -Walking Dreams- its really good. Go check it out!

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