Someone I used to know.

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I got home and walked into the kitchen, where my mom was baking. It wasn't often that mom was home, she was the CEO of one of my grandfather's multiple companies. "Hi honey? How was school?" She asked me. I grunted in reply as I helped myself to some cookies. Mom hated it when I did not reply in words. I did it just to annoy her.

"Derek?"she said in a warning tone. I grinned and looked at my mother's soft face. Her curly hair was brown, just like mine but I had my father's blue eyes while hers were brown. I told her a few things that happened in school. "Derek, I need you to keep this Wednesday evening free. Remember Diana?" She said referring to her childhood friend and our neighbours before dad made us shift. I nodded. "Well, her older daughter, Remy is getting married and she has invited us for dinner to celebrate. The wedding is on the Saturday after next. You can skip that but you are NOT getting out of this dinner. Make your peace with it." She said as I began to moan. I excused myself and left the kitchen.

I headed to my room. I needed to copy the geeks notes before practice this evening. As I brought out my books, I remembered her odd reaction to when I asked her if she was new. I cleared my head and opened her book. I stared at her name, which was written in a clear handwriting:
Melissa Howard.

I suddenly felt heavy. I rushed to the kitchen and asked mom. "Mom, you said Diana had two daughters? What is the younger daughter's name?" I asked. "Melissa. I don't believe that you forgot about her, Derek! You used to be best friends!"

My guess was right. I am doomed.

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