Lizzie comes over.

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   After school, I accompanied Melissa to her house so that she could drop her books and change into some more comfortable clothes. I waited for her in her car. She came out wearing a peach tank top and white capris. She had tied her hair in a bun again and the pendant hung from her neck.

   "Do you ever take that off?" I asked Melissa as she slid into the drivers seat. "No. Not really. Why?" she said. "Just wondering. So, you ready for a day of living the Derek life?" I asked her. "Yeah. Let's do this!" Melissa said and I gave her directions to my home.

    "So, today's agenda includes eating, watching movies and sleeping." I announced and I ushered her into the living room. I sat to remove my shoes and Melissa was looking at a family picture that mom had placed on a shelf. "This is so cute! This was taken in your old house?" she said to me. I nodded. The picture was of me and my parents in the lawn of my old house. I was around seven years old in the picture.

   I gave Melissa a tour of the house. I made some popcorn and Melissa put on the 'Johnny English Reborn' DVD. I sat next to her on the couch to watch the movie. "Why are we watching this again?" I asked her. "Because, it is funny and I like this movie." she replied, grabbing a fistful of popcorn. "Hey! Don't hog on it!" I protested and pulled the bowl away from her. "Sorry" she replied, distracted.

    Around four o'clock, the landline rang and I answered. "Hello. Derek? Is Melissa there?" Diana said. "Yeah. I'll give her the phone." I handed the phone to Melissa who looked a bit worried as she spoke to her mother. "Yeah. I got it. I'll ask him and call you back. Bye." Melissa hung up and said, "My parents need to go out of town tonight and Remy is away, so mom was wondering of you could stay with me till I fall asleep? You don't have to, but for their sake I had to ask." Melissa said. "I have a better idea. You could stay over. Mom will be making lasagna tonight. Also dad is out of town, so mom will definitely let you stay." I suggested. "Alright." Melissa said hesitantly.

    We called Diana and she promptly agreed to let Melissa stay over. We decided that she could borrow some of my mom's clothes for the night. We sat back on the sofa and I unpaused the movie. "Derek, are you sure I can stay? It will be so weird you know, waking up in your mother's clothes." Melissa grumbled. I shoved her shoulder and said, "You are doing nothing of that sort." "Derek!" Melissa whined. I paused the movie moved to face her. "Stop it." I said in my sternest voice. "But Derek!" Melissa repeated. She wanted to annoy me and her plan was working.

    Melissa began a rant about how wrong it felt and how it was not polite to just crash at someone's place so I leaned in and kissed her hoping it would be enough to shut her up. I had unfortunately forgotten that every time I kissed her I tended to lose control.

   This time, Melissa did not hesitate to kiss me back. She wrapped her arms around my neck and moved closer to me. I pulled her closer and held her by the waist as I deepened the kiss. I pulled back breathing heavily and said, "Melissa, you do know that it is wrong it could be to kissing someone while their parents are not home?" Melissa narrowed her eyes and me and growled, "Shut up." She kissed me again and things accelerated very quickly.

    I pushed her onto to couch so that I was on top of her. I had to lean on my forearms so that she did not get crushed under me. Melissa wrapped one hand around my neck and the other slipped under my t-shirt. She trailed her fingers across my abdomen and I felt goosebumps erupt over my body. Melissa smiled into the kiss as if she found my sensitivity funny.

    "What?" I asked, pouting. "Nothing!" Melissa couldn't help but giggle. "You find it funny?" I asked and Melissa nodded."Fine. Laugh at this." I poked her in the ribs and she squealed. I held her down using my legs and left hand while I tickled her using my right. "Derek! Derek you better stop it! Please stop it!" Melissa screamed. "Are you ready to apologize?" I asked. "No." Melissa replied. I began to tickle her again. Suddenly, we heard the front door slam and my mother ran into the living room. She hadn't even taken off her shoes.

   "What is going on here?" Mom asked, horrified. "He was tickling me!" Melissa conplained. "You asked for it." I said in my defence. Mom visibly relaxed. "That's all right? Thank God. I thought the two of you were upto something you shouldn't be." Melissa looked horrified at that prospect. "Could you help me with the groceries?" Mom asked and Melissa pushed me off of her. I grabbed her wrist as she walked past me and whispered to her, "We both know what might have happened if you hadn't teased me Lizzie." I winked at her and left her in the living room.
A/N: well that was fun! I love hearing what you think about the story so far, so do vote and comment!!  :-)

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