Sweet revenge.

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I had so much fun writing this chapter, I hope you enjoy reading it! Tell me what you think of Derek the planner! :-)

   Tuesday, I walked into school with a plan in mind. Leo and Jake warned me that it could backfire and make me look bad, but I had to ignore them. They wanted me to spend sometime to think of a better plan, but my style was offence, not intelligence.

    My plan was to wait until lunch and then show that brat what a huge mistake she made by threatening Melissa. I had a speech prepared and it was designed to embarrass Anneliese into hiding. It doesn't take a detective to work out my plan.

    I saw Melissa as soon as I entered school. I looked around and saw Anneliese surrounded by her cronies. She saw me enter and stood taller, ready to pretend like she was my girlfriend. Time for step one of my plan. I stood at an arms distance from Melissa. I waited for Anneliese to come upto me. "Hey Derek!" she said flirtatiously. She looked over her shoulder to check if everyone was watching. They were. So I did what I had to do.

    I grabbed Melissa's hand, pulled her close and kissed her- long and hard. Melissa was stiff for a second, but slowly kissed me back. I heard every single person gasp. I gently pulled away from the kiss and looked at Anneliese. Her mouth hung open and her face was red with anger. Melissa gave me an accusing look, but I squeezed her hand to let her know that it was all part of the plan. "I'll see you later babe." I said to Melissa and walked to my class.

    I heard people gossiping about my stunt throughout class. By the time I met Leo and Jake at lunch, everyone in school had heard about me dissing Anneliese. I waited till everyone had settled down. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Anneliese heading towards Melissa's table with a malicious look on her face. Before she could reach her, I climbed onto the table and cleared my throat loudly.

   "Students of this hell hole." I said in my loudest voice, drawing everyone's attention. "We face many evils in today's schools. Bullying, teasing, different types of substance abuses but today, I'm here to bring to your notice a different, more dangerous evil." I began pacing the length of the table, feeling very important.

    "Every school has one virus. In ours, it's Anneliese Walters." I paused and looked around. Some people were watching me with slacked faces. Others looked afraid of what was about follow while some others were enjoying themselves. "She has grown up getting everything that she has ever wanted. But when she entered school, she realised that the world doesn't revolve around her. So when she didn't get what she wanted, she began to threaten."

    "I believe that I have made it very clear- I'm in love with Melissa Howard. But Anneliese decided that she needed a new boy toy and she approached me. I refused. So she targetted Melissa. She threatened Melissa by saying that she would get her daddy to reject her college application if she did not break up with me. Now an honest question to all the guys out here. How many of you would want a girlfriend who pulls away someone you love? Who would separate you from your closest friends because she wants all your attention? Ah. And a girlfriend who would dump you the moment she gets bored of you, even though you sacrificed everything for her?"

   Not a single hand rose. "That's what I'm talking about. Anneliese has a huge reputation here. She is one girl who puts a tick mark on every single thing a guy doesn't need. So, people. Let's see her for what she really is. A parasite. An inconsiderate brat who believes that no one can touch her. I have had my say. Now, people who think that they would still like to be close to Anneliese, hands up?"

    No hand went up. I smirked at Anneliese and got off the table. Anneliese stomped her way upto me and said, "Why would you do that?" "The same reason you thought threatening Melissa would do you any good." My voice was cold and I felt satisfied when a flash of realisation passed through Anneliese's eyes. "You love her. You love her? I thought you had better standards, Derek. You're going to regret this." Anneliese spat before turning on her heel and walking away.

    "Hey. Derek? Are you okay?" Melissa said as she rubbed my arm. I turned to face her and I felt myself relax as she hugged me. I held her close and we both kept silent, enjoying the moment. "Melissa?" I said finally. "Let's skip the rest of the day. Call in sick." Her entire body shook as she laughed. "I'm sorry Derek. But you could come to my place later." Melissa said.

    "I have a better idea." I said. "You come to my place. I'll drop you home after dinner. We can watch movies, have unhealthy amounts of junk food and just have fun." I murmured against the skin of her neck. "Alright." Melissa whispered back and she left for her physics lecture. I couldn't wait till she came over

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