Happy Birthday to me.

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Its been thirteen days since the tiring shopping trip with Melissa. And these thirteen days have been awful. I could barely talk to Leo or Jake. I have no idea what they are upto, but they were MIA during lunch every. single. day. I saw them talking between classes, but the moment they saw me, they would go their separate ways. Also, I barely gat any time with Melissa. I would meet her before school started and then I would see her in the cafeteria during lunch. That's it. My friends were avoiding me like the plague. But not today. Because it's my birthday today. Doesn't everything get better on your birthday?

I pulled myself out of bed and immediately headed for a shower. Unlike some people I know, I have to shower first thing in the morning. It's like coffee for other people. I can't wake up without it. I went downstairs, my hair still damp from the shower. "Hi mom." I said as I entered the kitchen. "Hi honey! I'm so glad you're awake. I need to leave now. Some trouble with our company. I'll be back late, so you can order what you like, take money from that drawer. I love you. Bye!" With that mom left. She must've been in a real hurry to forget that it was my birthday. I poured myself some cereal and stole a cupcake from my mom's secret stash. "Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me.." I sang as I cleared the kitchen after me and left for school. Picture of depression. But I could possibly hang out with Jake at his place. Every year, his parents give me awesome gifts. Like last year, they bought me this awesome pair of neon sports shoes.

I reached school and I saw Leo and Jake standing near my locker. Leo spotted me first. "Derek! Come here quick!" Leo spread out his arms and he hugged me. "This calls for a celebration, D!" Leo said. "Yeah. But I didn't get to organize-" I started to say, but Jake cut me off by saying, "Hey, it's not such a big deal. I've been wooing her for ages, man." "Wait. What are we talking about?" I said, confused. "Didn't you hear? Jake asked Whitney out and she said yes! And for once, looks like he's serious about her." Leo said and Jake blushed. "Aww, c'mon man. Cut me some slack." Jake replied and I smiled at him. At that moment the bell rang and the boys took their leave.

I know I shouldn't stress, but did my best friends forget my birthday too? Is it even my birthday today? I pulled out my phone and checked the date. Yup. I was born on this day seventeen years ago. Why did I feel like I was the only one who thought it was my birthday?

I pushed those thoughts aside and headed to history class. I saw Melissa there, but I couldn't talk to her because Mr.Jones came in. Between the lecture, the boy sitting on my left nudged me. I looked at him, annoyed. He handed me a folded piece of paper and faced the teacher again. I opened the piece of paper and recognized Melissa's handwriting-
Need to talk to you. Also, need to show you my dress. Could you come over around 4?
I looked at Melissa who was looking behind, waiting for an answer. I nodded at her. She gave me a small smile and looked away. I really do not want to go through that days torture again, but at this point, I'm willing to do anything to spend some time with Melissa.
A/N: Hey you guys! Since we have hit more than 1100 reads, I will be posting a celebratory chapter! The next chapter is a continuation of this one, just that it's in Melissa's POV. Vote if you're excited!
Lots of love-D.

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