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he noticed you following
as he trailed across
the wet pavement
his neon green rain boots
contrasting with
the melancholy weather
he did not ever confront you
he acted as if
he had no idea
you were there
but you figured
he must know
you saw the smile
that tugged at his lips
and after a while
he entered a coffee shop
you opened the door
and the smell
of freshly brewed coffee
hit you like a freight train
you figured
he would order something basic
some kind of latte
with extra whipped cream
but to your surprise
he requested hot tea
two spoonfuls of sugar
with lots of honey
he sat at a table
close to a window
his eyes watching the raindrops
trail down the cold glass
you walked over
asked to sit with him
and without looking up
he accepted
so you sat and stayed a while
the two of you talked
for hours on end
about everything
and nothing
all at once
you asked about
his hobbies and interests
he wondered about
your passions and dreams
the sun
traded places with the moon
and you offered to walk him home
"no one should walk alone at night"
he politely agreed
glad to have the company
so you took his umbrella
and held it
over his pretty little head
he blushed at the gesture
once you both reached his house
you stopped at his door
you asked to see them again
and he gave you a slip of paper
with his number
written in black ink
you made sure he got in safely
watched the light in his room
flip on
before pulling out your phone
and calling him
as you journeyed back home
he picked up
on the first ring

letters to the stars unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now