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you started to grow tired
of them
and reading their
stupid letters
you began to crumble them up
and leave them
scattered on the floor
they tried so hard
to earn your love
but you
you didn't care anymore
you were bored of the same old things
so you decided to try
someone new
you kept making excuses
so you would see them
less and less
they began to feel alone
things weren't good at home for them
but you wouldn't know that
because you
were far too focused
on someone else
you put on an act
as if nothing was wrong
as if you weren't cheating
but damn it
you were
and one day
you forgot to cover your tracks
the person who actually
loved you
with everything they had
with every fiber of their being
found out your dirty little secret
but of course
you didn't want the blame
how could you possibly
be the bad guy
so you yelled cruel things at them
told them it was their fault
that they didn't
try hard enough
when really it was you
you ripped the letters they wrote for you
and slammed the door shut
as you walked out of their house
they watched you
turn the corner
with tears
welling up in their eyes
the ones you used to say were beautiful
once upon a time

letters to the stars unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now