the universe envies you

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i am in love with the way
the trees rustle
and the leaves change
in early autumn
i am in love with the way
the waves crash against the shore repeatedly
like an annoying younger sibling
begging for attention
i am in love with each of the planets
in our solar system
and the way they represent
diversity among us
i am in love with the constellations
and the stories they tell
from hundreds of thousands of years ago
i am in love with flowers
and the way their soft petals sway
and dance in a summer breeze
i am in love with the crackling
of a fire
and the crisp smell
of burnt wood
and i am in love with you
because somehow
you are more brilliant
than all of those things combined
you are more perfect
than this universe we live in

letters to the stars unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now