a letter to my ex

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you are the least
of my worries now
you created a veil
that made me think
you were beautiful
and full of life
and adventure
but you were simply toxic to me
i forgot how you were
when you were in a bad mood
or when you were having
a rough day
you treated me
with a sort of anger
that could not be calmed
you yelled
and did not stay patient with me
or show me any kindness
even though i desperately
needed you to
and so i finally tried to move on
and i was patient
in waiting for someone
to stumble upon me
and good god
they did
someone who came
with loud laughter
and a free spirit
a person whose eyes
put your pacific oceans to shame
they laugh at the word "impossible"
and live as if they will die tomorrow
and that
is the kind of person
you have been replaced with
that is the kind of person
i deserved
and that person
is me

letters to the stars unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now