to the love of my life

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i just want to tell you
how much i love you
you are the first
and last thought on my mind
each day
you lift my self esteem
and make me feel
like a beautiful
good person
i can't thank you enough for that
i could call you at 3am
and there you are
you always help me
and give me advice
and make sure im okay
you make my heart race
when you kiss me
and i feel safe
when you wrap me in your arms
when im with you
im not afraid of anything
you make me happy
the day i met you
i knew something was different
you werent just another person
who wanted to lead me on
and hurt me
you made me laugh
and you were kind to me
right from the start
you dont judge me
or hurt me
or make me cry
you dont boss me around
or snap at me
and i swear to you
you're perfect
i don't think
you could be unattractive
if you tried
your personality is wonderful
whether you're being clingy
or you're goofing off
or you're being sarcastic
you are brilliant
you are funny
and gentle
and protective
and brave
and loyal
and i just cant explain to you
how brilliant you are
i wish you could see yourself
in the same way i do
im always going to be right here for you
im always going to have your back
and lift you up
and you can trust me
im not ever going to wrong you
you deserve the entire universe
and i dont have much
but i will try my hardest
to give it to you
i will help you through anything
and everything
i just want you happy
and healthy
i will never leave you
no matter what you do
or say to me
im sticking by your side
i appreciate everything
you do for me
i dont know what i'd do
without you
and im so so glad that i met you
i love you more than life
thank you for everything

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