to the one i used to love

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i was so in love with you
i was in love with the way
your eyes lit up
whenever your favorite song came on
i was in love with the way
your lip twitched up on one side
when you were amused
like you were trying to perfect
mona lisa's smile
i was in love with the way
your laugh sounded
and how it made me feel
i was in love with the way
your hand fit in mine
i was in love with the way
you wrapped your arms around me
i was in love with you
and sometimes i still hope
we are lucky enough
to receive a chance
to rekindle that spark again 
but until then
i will remain a stranger to you
our paths might one day
cross again
perhaps at the bookstore
where we met
or the coffee shop inside of it
and perhaps then
we could sit down
and talk endlessly
about the times that we shared
and how the stars
shone for us

letters to the stars unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now