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society tells me that
in order the be beautiful
i must meet the standards.
and so i strive to become beautiful
like they want
society says my weight is a little
over the top
and i need to get thinner
and suddenly
food becomes a little less
and when the time comes to eat
i simply say "i'm not hungry"
day after wretched day
i begin to see results
but it's never enough
and despite
the carnivorous growls
of my stomach
i do not
succumb to eating
the hunger in my stomach
is nothing
compared to the hunger in my heart
to be more than just
a little bit pretty
i must fit the standards set
and so my body continues
to concave
my ribs
and spine
become accessories
but it still isn't enough
i no longer feel physical hunger
i've become used to it
but despite
my paper thin body
the emptiness remains
i figure
maybe a little more weight lost
just perhaps
i'll feel whole
and beautiful
i haven't eaten in weeks
but i refuse to give up
skinny is pretty
or at least thats what i was told
but now my heart
is slowly failing
whether it was the starvation
or the lack of self love
and as i near my death bed
i have realized one thing
i was beautiful all along
and it was really just society
that was ugly

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