trauma dump

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my father
abused my mind and my body
for thirteen years straight
convinced me
that i wasn't good enough
and drove me
to attempting suicide
the summer after seventh grade
to try and get away from him
my grandfather
touched me
in all the wrong places
when i was only four years old
stole my innocence
and tainted my body
with his touch
my old best friend
got me hooked on drugs
and told everyone that i was an addict
to try and draw negative attention to me
after promising
she would never
do anything to wrong me
one girl
who i thought was my friend
told me that we couldn't be friends
because i have depression
and she didnt feel like
dealing with it
if i ever decided to commit suicide
an ex boyfriend
cheated on me
and told me that if i left
he would kill himself
and tell everyone it was my fault
the people
who were supposed
to be there for me
who were supposed
to love
and protect
and comfort me
are the same ones
who wronged me worse
than anyone else
they are the reason
that it is so damn hard
for me to trust anyone

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