heartbreak is unreturned love

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every single time
someone asks me
what heartbreak really is
i think of
the weeks i spent
struggling to convince myself
to get out of bed and deal with the loss
i think of how
you abandoned me
when i needed you most
and how when
i see them
i cant bring myself to kiss them
i cant hold their hand
i can barely look at them
because it all feels
too much like you
i think about how
i'd still let you back in
to hurt me again
and again
but what i think about most
is how you pretend
that they are so much better
at loving you than i was
and how funny it is to me
because in reality
no one will ever love you
like i did
you see
the real heartbreak
is the fact that i loved you
than anyone has ever
loved you
and you didn't love me back

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